I been searching years and years for a 3D application called Alias
Sketch! a 3D modeling and rendering software. This is from Alias/
Wavefront circa 1993-1994.   I seen one sold here a few months ago on
swaplist but missed out.

I am building a website for Mac 3D enthusiasts that chronicles the
history of Mac 3D software and need a copy of Alias Sketch! to
complete this project.

The site will showcase the early days of 3D - Silicon Beach Super 3D,
Paracomp Swivel 3D, Lifeforms... to modern day Lightwave, Houdini,
Cinema 4D, Carrara, Poser.

I prefer a copy of Sketch! version 2.0.  But if you have any copy of
this available, I'm interested in a purchase or swap.  For trade I
have some vintage Mac 3D/animation titles and some other high value
multimedia/music/video titles.

Metacreations Infini-D 4.5
Curious Labs Poser
Macromedia Macromodel with Pixar Renderman
Zaxwerks Invigorator Pro
Discreet Combustion
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere
Adobe After Effects
Macromedia Director
Mixman Studio

Terry Lem
Irvine CA 92612

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