Greetings, fellow listers - 

I’d like to find a functional iPhone 4s.  I’ll be candid - I may never use it 
as anything but a reminder of the past, but as a Verizon subscriber, I’d like 
the option.  After breaking my iPhone SE in an unfortunate fall and moving on 
to the iPhone X...I miss the form factor of something small and unnoticeable in 
my pocket.  The 5/5s was close, but the 4s nailed it, in my opinion. 

Very strong preference given to a black one, but if you have any functional 
iPhone 4s sitting in a drawer or on your parts pile, let me know what you’d 
take for it.  Storage capacity is a non-issue, as it most likely will do little 
other than sit on my desk and be looked at wistfully.  

Willing to straight up buy, or trade you something you may want/need for it.  I 
have a variety of Mac stuff, 68k through modern Intel, so let me know if you’re 
looking for something specific. 

Shipping is to Clive, IA 50325. 


Mike Boyd
Clive IA, 50325

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