WTB: PowerMac G5 2.3 Ghz April 2005 model (with PCI-X)

I am looking for this specific model because I am hoping that I can get a 
used graphics card that will work in the 8x/4x AGP slot so that I can 
continue to run my Apple 20 inch ADC monitor..... although I did read 
somewhere that if you want to use an ADC monitor with this model, you'd 
need an adaptor..... I have searched recently and found some 4x AGP 
graphics cards that seem like they will work..... if anyone has one of 
these and it happens to have a graphics card with ADC on it already, that 
would be a big bonus as far as I'm concerned.

If money was no object, I would rather prefer the Quad 2.5 or the DP2.3 
from Late 2005, but since they are DVI only, that means I would have to go 
buy a new monitor and my budget is rather limited right now. :-/

I am willing to put up with some minor dents and scratches. It's what's 
inside that counts.

Shipping would be to zip code 85719

Thanks in advance.


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