Looking for a machine for a friend. Budget is $700. Looking for a MacPro
2009 or later, or an iMac 21" or larger. Software is not an issue.
Keyboard and mouse is not an issue. I am just looking for a reliable
machine for a good friend and am coming up empty here in the Bay Area,
which is rare. He plans on doing mild video editing and general use. Not
looking for older white iMac's (I have several) or anything that is not
Core2 Duo or later. Must be Lion capable.  I have items I can trade as
well, or can paypal with an evening to transfer money. I am a moderator
here, not looking for chatty, just a fair deal. I am tired of seeing 2008
MacPro's on eBay for $1800. It makes me want to reach into my display and
strangle the seller. We all know they are not worth that.

Let me know what you have. Local pickup is obviously a plus. I can drive
50+ miles or so if the machine fits our needs.

Kyle Hansen
Alameda CA, 94501
eBay ID: Grope4luna 100% positive feedback dating back to 2001.

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