Hello swappers, 
I have a friend who wants to look at switching to a Macbook. Ultimately, she 
needs something that can run Mavericks, preferably with a decent battery, that 
she can use for word processing and web browsing. Ideally, I’d like to see her 
end up with a cosmetically good Macbook 2009, for which I would pay up to $350, 
or a 2010-2011 Macbook Pro 13 for which I may pay up to $600. Hard drive and 
RAM are a nonissue, since I can get my hands on both fairly cheap, so even if 
you have something without, let me know. 
Ultimately, $600 is her top price. 
Please let me know what you have and we can hopefully work something out. 
Shipping will be to: 
Megan Bening 
Mankato, MN 56001 

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