Looking for a fair price for an SE/30 logic board. Sound recap needed is ok
as long as it'll boot. This is a 'labor of love' in hopes of assembling a
technology museum of sorts, so I can't spend a ton. I have an SE/30 now
that someone performed a dubious recap on and want one running 100%.
Looking to upgrade an SE Superdrive to an SE/30. Someone from LEMSwap
gave me a fair price on an SE/30 motherboard some time ago. Hoping I
can find another one.
Jim McClellan
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53221
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Looking for an SE/30 Logic Board, one that works but relatively cheap
A Nubus Ethernet Card with RJ45 Jacks
and a Nubus Video Card that will Drive the Macintosh 16 inch Color
I prefer PayPal as a form of paying for items
Jessica Pasko
Flushing MI 48433
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