My sister is in need of a new laptop for college, and I'm thinking an early
unibody MacBook Pro would be a good fit.

An ideal machine would probably be the original 2008-2009 15" MacBook Pro,
since that model has a replaceable battery and easy upgrades, but newer
models would certainly be considered if the built-in battery lasts long
enough. A 13" model would also be considered if the specs are right. The
original packaging and disks would be a nice touch, but all that is really
required is the computer, power cable, and some sort of operating system.

Minimum specs:

- any speed should be fine as long as it is a unibody model
- 250gb hard drive (bigger ones also welcome)
- at least 1gb of RAM (again, the more the better)
- SuperDrive
- 2.5 hour battery (unless it is the original model with user-replaceable
- operating system

This computer must be in good condition with everything working well. My
sister isn't very technically inclined, so everything must be ready to go:
if it is a model with a built-in battery, that battery should still last
about 2.5 hours, it should already have a hard drive, SuperDrive, and RAM,
and it must have an operating system (preferably Snow Leopard, but it would
also be great if it had the original software restore disks).

We are hoping to spend $600 total (including shipping and PayPal fees), and
probably closer to $500 if the battery needs to be replaced (I'll have to
check how much replacements go for these days). If you've got anything that
you think fits the description, please let me know the model, specs, and
asking price. We can pay via PayPal, and please note that shipping will be
to Chicago, IL 60647.

Steven Fowler
eBay ID: Obi1kenobi1 (100% positive)
Houston, TX 77083

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