I'm looking to get an old audio-only iPod to use for music. I'm looking to
spend around $50, give or take.

My main choice would probably be a 40gb third generation, or somewhere
around there. These are my all time favorite iPods, but no one else seems
to like them, so in hoping I can find a good deal. The fewer scratches the
better, but it certainly doesn't need to be perfect, normal wear and tear
is fine as long as it works well. Battery life doesn't need to be amazing,
but I'd like the battery to last at least a few hours between charges. My
old third gen FireWire cable no longer works, so a working cable would be a
plus, though not absolutely required.

Also, I know this is almost unheard of these days, but if you have a first
or second generation, in any size or condition (as long as it does
work), that you'd be willing to let go for around $50, please let me know.

Finally, if the price is right, I could go for a 4th gen (color or not). I
don't need a video iPod, I'm only interested in these older models.

Please let me know your model, capacity, condition, and asking price
(including shipping to Houston, TX 77083). I can definitely go a little
over my budget for the right iPod.

Steven Fowler
eBay ID Obi1kenobi1 (100% positive)
Houston, TX 77083

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