I know this is a looooong shot, but desperate circumstances call for desperate 
attempts...or something like that. My Mac Mini has died after a lengthy, 
lingering illness, I very much need a replacement ASAP, but cannot afford to 
make a purchase at the moment (darn this self-employment, at times!).

What I need: Intel-era Mac Mini or iMac (any size), that will run Office 2008,  
iTunes 10 and iLife 11 apps.

What I got: Apple ][E/C/GS's and early Macintosh era gear for trade, multiple 
units of each, state what you want or are looking for. I inherited the Apple 
gear recently, and hate to part with them before I really have a chance to look 
over everything, but need to replace my Mini as quickly as possible. 

Anyone willing/able to make a trade?

Thank you kindly,
John McKay
Alpharetta, GA 30005

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