Hi Listers,

Just field-stripped a flaky iMac G5 for some of the known working
bits.  I really only meant to take the HD out, but things kind of
snowballed from there.  Now the entire machine has been disassembled.
Some of the parts are for sale.  Two categories: Known to work and Not
Sure.  The unit had flaky video issues on the internal display AND a
connected monitor.  That's what made me retire it.  All else worked
before I shut it down and took it apart

Known to work:
PSU and DC board with cables - $60 shipped (NOT compatible with 1st
gen non-isight g5's)
Slot loading combo drive (uj846c) - $40 shipped
Speakers - $12 shipped
Fans - $5 shipped
iSight Camera assembly (no mic) - $10 shipped
Bluetooth / Airport daughtercard (no antenna cabling) - $40 shipped

Not Sure:
Motherboard and heatsink (currently separated) - $20 shipped
17" LCD panel - $15 shipped

All items are as is, no returns.  I used as much care as I could
taking it all apart, but I also knew I would not be reassembling.
I've been building and repairing Macs and PCs for about 20 years, so
take that into account as well.  There won't be any screws or other
fasteners packed in.  Everything goes via USPS.  Make me an offer on
multiple bits if you like.  If I am out of my mind on pricing, feel
free to let me know.  Just trying to keep the whole thing outta the
landfills.  The case and foot are going to an art student I know.

Paypal or MO is fine.  No checks.

Scott Strungis; 08835-1903

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