WTB: Sata card PCI for G4 MDD

2013-01-08 Thread Jay Mccrackin
WTB: Sata card PCI  for G4 MDD 2 or 4 ports (4 ports preferred) would be great and I'm looking for one that supports "booting" if there is such a thing. Jeff Engle Kamiah Idaho 83536 email me directly at  jeffnda...@me.com for quicker replies:-) -- You received this message

WTB: Sata Card for Quicksilver

2009-10-11 Thread tyltothele...@gmail.com
Hey Swappers! The quicksilver isn't for sale anymore . (At least I don't think so...) but I need a sata card for the friend who's buying it. Anyone got one for a decent price? Still looking for a Core image graphics card cheap too! Thanks! Tyler Schimpf 44081 Perry, Ohio tyltothele...@gmail.co

WTB SATA card for G4 400 AGP

2009-08-01 Thread Andrew Grebneff
Subject say it all. Can pay by PayPal, but notice sent to seller won't include my address, as PayPal has a fault (the address is in my PayPal file). -- Regards Andrew Grebneff Dunedin, New Zealand Fossil preparator Mollusc, Toyota & VW van nut --~--~-~--~~~---~--~--

wtb: sata card

2009-07-11 Thread Jeff Yowell
Need a used sata card for my Quicksilver. If you don't have one, can someone tell me which brand is the cheapest? Jeff Yowell Tulsa, OK 74015 --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to LEM-Swap. To post to this group, send em

WTB: Sata Card for G4

2009-02-10 Thread gubaphoto
Looking for a sata card for dual 500 g4. Does not need to be bootable but does need internal connections. Paul Gubba Highlands NJ 07732 gubaguba...@yahoo.com --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to LEM-Swap. To post to this g