>From Louis Proyect's Marxism list

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Date sent:              Sun, 27 Aug 2000 15:24:21 -0400
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [PEN-L:881] Nato preparing for another war in the Balkans
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By Gregory Elich

Quietly, NATO is laying plans for a new military strike against
Yugoslavia. On August 13 through 15, CIA Director George Tenet
Bulgaria. In a series of extraordinary meetings, Tenet met with
Bulgarian President Petur Stoyanov, as well as the Prime Minister,
Interior Minister and Defense Minister. Officially, the purpose of
Tenet's visit was to discuss the problem of organized crime and
narcotics. However, Tenet spent a combined total of only 20 minutes
the headquarters of the National Security Service and the National
Service for Combating Organized Crime. Unnamed diplomatic sources
revealed that the proposed oil transit pipeline from the Caspian Sea
was also topic of discussion.

The driving motivation for Tenet's visit, though, was to discuss
Yugoslavia. According to an unnamed diplomatic source, Montenegrin
secession from Yugoslavia topped the agenda. Following the meeting
between Tenet and Major General Dimo Gyaurov, Director of the National
Intelligence Service, a public statement was issued which stressed
their "commonality of interests." Reports in the Bulgarian press
revealed that various options were discussed with Bulgaria's president
and prime minister. Tenet's preferred option is the removal of the
Yugoslav government, either as a result of that country's election on
September 24, or by a NATO military assault that would install a
puppet government. Another scenario would follow the secession of
Montenegro from Yugoslavia. If open warfare breaks out over
Montenegro's secession, then the United States plans to wage a
full-scale war against Yugoslavia, as it did in spring 1999. Sofia's
Monitor reported that the "CIA coup machine" is forming. "A strike
against Belgrade is imminent," it adds, and "Bulgaria will serve as a
base." (1)

The Italian army recently signed a lease contract to conduct training
exercises beginning in October at the Koren training ground, near
Kaskovo in southeast Bulgaria. The French army signed a similar
agreement, in which French soldiers and tanks will train at the Novo
Selo grounds in central Bulgaria from October 11 to December 12. Talks
are also underway for the U.S. military to lease the Shabla training
grounds in northeastern Bulgaria. Scheduled to take place following
the election in Yugoslavia, the training exercises could serve as a
launching pad for NATO's planned military strike. It was recently
announced that the British aircraft carrier HMS Invincible is to be
redeployed to the Adriatic over the next few months in support of a
potential conflict over Montenegro (2)

Military force is only one component of the West's destabilization
campaign against Yugoslavia. In November 1998, President Clinton
launched a plan for the overthrow of the government of Yugoslavia. The
initial emphasis of the plan centered on supporting secessionist
forces in Montenegro and the right-wing opposition in Serbia. (3)
Several months later, during the bombing of Yugoslavia, Clinton signed
a secret paper instructing the CIA to topple the Yugoslav government.
The plan called for the CIA to secretly fund opposition groups and the
recruitment of moles in the Yugoslav government and military. (4) On
July 8, 1999, U.S. and British officials revealed that commando teams
were training snatch operations to seize alleged war criminals and
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. As an encouragement to
mercenaries, the U.S. State Department also announced a $5 million
bounty for President Milosevic. (5)

Several Yugoslav government officials and prominent individuals,
including Defense Minister Pavle Bulatovic, have been gunned down.
Most of these crimes remain unsolved, as the assassins managed to
escape. Police apprehended one assassin, Milivoje Gutovic, after he
shot Vojvodina Executive Council President Bosko Perosevic at an
agricultural fair in Novi Sad. During interrogations, Gutovic admitted
to police that he worked for the right-wing Serbian Renewal Movement.

Goran Zugic, security advisor to secessionist Montenegrin President
Milo Djukanovic, was murdered late on May 31, 2000. The assassin
escaped, allowing Western leaders to blame President Milosevic. Coming
just one week before crucial local elections in Montenegro, forces
opposing President Milosevic stood to gain from the murder, as the
effect would tend to sway undecided voters in favor of secessionist
parties. A few days after the assassination, Yugoslav Minister of
Information Goran Matic held a press conference, at which he accused
the CIA of complicity in the murder. Matic played a taped recording of
two telephone conversations between head of the US mission in
Dubrovnik Sean Burns, US State Department official James Swaggert,
Gabriel Escobar of the US economic group in Montenegro and Paul Davies
of the US Agency for International Development. Excerpts of the
conversations, recorded 20 minutes after the assassination and again
three hours later, included comments such as, "It was professional,"
and "Mission accomplished." (7)

The first publicly known Western plan to assassinate President
Milosevic was drafted in 1992. Richard Tomlinson, a former British MI6
employee, later disclosed the plan. His task as an MI6 agent was to
carry out undercover operations in Eastern Europe posing as a
businessman or journalist. Tomlinson frequently met with MI6 officer
Nick Fishwick. During one their meetings, Fishwick showed Tomlinson a
document entitled, "The Need to Assassinate President Milosevic of
Serbia." Three methods were proposed for the assassination of
Milosevic. The first method, Tomlinson recalled, "was to train and
equip a Serbian paramilitary opposition group," which would have the
advantage of deniability but an unpredictable chance of success. The
second method would employ a specially trained British SAS squad to
murder President Milosevic "either with a bomb or sniper ambush."
Fishwick considered this more reliable, but it lacked deniability. The
third method would be to kill Milosevic "in a staged car crash." (8)
Seven years later, on October 3, 1999, the third method was employed
against the leader of the Serbian Renewal Movement, Vuk Draskovic,
when a truck filled with sand plowed into his car, killing everyone
inside except for Draskovic. The temperamental Draskovic had been a
major factor in the chronic fragmentation of the right-wing
opposition, frustrating Washington's efforts to forge a unified
opposition. (9)

During NATO's war against Yugoslavia, a missile struck President
Milosevic's home on April 22, 1999. He and his wife were staying
elsewhere that evening. Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon was quick to
announce that "we are not targeting President Milosevic." It is
impossible, though, to view a missile striking Milosevic's bedroom at
3:10 AM as anything but an assassination attempt. (10)

In November 1999, members of an assassination squad, code-named
"Spider," were arrested in Yugoslavia. According to Minister Goran
Matic, "French intelligence was behind" the Spider group, whose aim
was the assassination of President Milosevic. Planned scenarios
included a sniper attack, planting an explosive device alongside a
route they expected Milosevic to travel, planting an explosive in his
car, and organizing 10 trained commandos to storm the presidential
residence. The leader of the group, Jugoslav Petrusic, had dual
Yugoslav and French citizenship. Matic claimed that Petrusic worked
for French intelligence for ten years. During interrogations, Petrusic
said that he had killed 50 men on orders by French intelligence. Matic
announced that one of the members of Spider was a "specialist for
killings with a truck full of sand" - the same method used against
Draskovic the previous month.

Following the Bosnian war, Petrusic organized the transport of 180
Bosnian Serb mercenaries to fight for Mobutu Sese Seku in Zaire, an
affair that was managed by French intelligence. According to a Bosnian
Serb businessman, Petrusic "did not hide the fact that he was working
for the French intelligence service. I have personally seen a photo of
him next to Mitterand as his bodyguard." In younger days, Petrusic was
a member of the French Foreign Legion. During NATO's war against
Yugoslavia, the Spider group infiltrated the Yugoslav Army, supplying
information to the French and guiding NATO warplanes to their targets.

Yugoslav secret service sources revealed that the Spider group trained
at NATO bases in Bosnia where "buildings resembling those where
Milosevic lives were constructed." Money from the French intelligence
service for Spider was brought to the border between Hungary and
Yugoslavia by a man named Serge Lazarevic. (11)

One month later, the members of a second hit team, calling itself the
Serbian Liberation Army, was arrested. Their aim was to assassinate
President Milosevic and restore the monarchy. (12)

At the end of July 2000, a squad of four Dutch commandos was
apprehended while attempting to cross into Serbia from Montenegro.
During the investigation, they admitted that they intended to kill or
kidnap President Milosevic. The four said that they were informed that
$30 million had been offered for "Milosevic's head," and that they
intended to "claim a reward." One of the men said that the group
planned to abduct Milosevic or former Bosnian Serb President Radovan
Karadzic and "surrender them to The Hague." The group planned to put
them atop a car "in a ski box and transport them.out of the country."
If the abduction failed, one of the men "had the idea to kill the
president, to decapitate his head, to put it in the box and to send it
home" to the Netherlands.

One of the arrested men, Gotfrides de Ri, belonged to the openly
racist neo-nazi Center Party. During the wars in Croatia and Bosnia,
the Center Party sent Dutch mercenaries to fight in right-wing
Croatian paramilitary units. At the time of their arrest, the four
were found with several knives, including one with a swastika, and
wires with hooks for strangulation. All four admitted that they had
trained under the British SAS. At a news conference on August 1, Goran
Matic accused the U.S of being the prime sponsor of assassinations and
attempted assassinations. "It is obvious that they are recruiting
various terrorist groups because they are frustrated with the fact
that their military, political and economic goals in southeastern
Europe have not been realized. [They are] trying to send them into the
country so that they can change our political and social environment."
(13) Jonathan Eyal, an advisor to the British government, commented
recently, "I can't say when it will happen, but I can guarantee that
Milosevic will end up dead, and he will be followed by a more
pro-Western government." (14)

Flagrant Western interference is distorting the political process in
Yugoslavia. U.S. and Western European funds are channelled to
right-wing opposition parties and media through such organizations as
the National Endowment for Democracy and George Soros' Open Society
Institute. The National Democratic Institute (NDI) is yet another of
the myriad semi-private organizations that have attached themselves
like leeches on Eastern Europe. The NDI opened an office in Belgrade
in 1997, hoping to capitalize on opposition attempts to bring down the
government through street demonstrations. By 1999, the NDI had already
trained over 900 right-wing party leaders and activists on "message
development, public outreach and election strategy." NDI also claimed
to have provided "organizational training and coalition-building
expertise" to the opposition. (15)

The New Serbia Forum, funded by the British Foreign Office, brings
Serbian professionals and academics to Hungary on a regular basis for
discussions with British and Central European "experts." The aim of
the meetings is to "design a blueprint for post-Milosevic society."
The Forum develops reports intended to serve as "an action plan" for a
future pro-Western government. Subjects under discussion have included
privatization and economic stabilization. The Forum calls for the
"reintegration of Yugoslavia into the European family," a phrase that
translates into the dismantling of the socialist economy and inviting
Western corporations to swarm in. (16)

Western aims were clearly spelled out in the Stability Pact for
Southeastern Europe of June 10, 1999. This document called for
"creating vibrant market economies" in the Balkans, and "markets open
to greatly expanded foreign trade and private sector investment." One
year later, the White House issued a fact sheet detailing the "major
achievements" of the Pact. Among the achievements listed, the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the International
Finance Corporations are said to be "mobilizing private investment."
By 2002, "new private investment in the region" is expected to reach
nearly $2 billion. The Pact's Business Advisory Council "is visiting
all of the countries of Southeast Europe" to "offer advice" on
investment issues. Another initiative is Hungarian involvement with
opposition-led local governments and opposition media in Serbia.

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), on July 26, 2000,
inaugurated an investment fund to be managed by Soros Private Funds
Management. The Southeast Europe Equity Fund, "will invest in
companies in the region in a range of sectors." Its purpose, according
to the U.S. Embassy in Macedonia, is "to provide capital for new
business development, expansion and privatization." In March 2000,
Montenegro signed an agreement permitting the operation of OPIC on its
territory. Billionaire George Soros spelled out what all this means.
U.S. involvement in the region, he said, "creates investment
opportunities," and "I am happy to put my money where they are putting
theirs." In other words, there is money to be made. George Munoz,
President and CEO of OPIC was also blunt. "The Southeast Europe Equity
Fund," he announced, "is an ideal vehicle to connect American
institutional capital with European entrepreneurs eager to help
Americans tap their growing markets. OPIC is pleased that Soros
Private Funds Management has chosen to send a strong, positive signal
that Southeast Europe is open for business."

The final text of the Stability Pact for Southeast Europe suggested
that a Yugoslavia that would "respect" the Pact's "principles and
objectives" would be "welcome" to become a full member. "In order to
draw the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia closer to this goal," the
document declared, Montenegro would be an "early beneficiary." Western
leaders hope that a future pro-Western Yugoslavia would, as has the
rest of Eastern Europe, be "eager to help Americans" make money. (17)

Western leaders yearn to install a puppet government in Belgrade, and
place their hopes in the fragmented right-wing opposition parties in
Serbia. In 1999, American officials encouraged these parties to
organize mass demonstrations to overthrow the government, but these
rallies quickly fizzled due to lack of popular support. When Yugoslav
Federal and local elections were announced for July 24, 2000, American
and Western European officials met with leaders of the Serbian
opposition parties, urging them to unite behind one presidential
candidate. Despite U.S. efforts, three candidates emerged in
opposition to President Milosevic.

At the beginning of August 2000, the U.S. opened an office in Budapest
specifically tasked to assist opposition parties in Yugoslavia. Among
the staff are 24 psychological warfare specialists who engaged in
psychological operations during NATO's war against Yugoslavia and
earlier against Iraq in the Gulf War. During those operations, the
team also fabricated news items in an effort to sway Western public

If President Milosevic is re-elected, then U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright expects street demonstrations to overturn the
election results and topple the government. In meetings held in Banja
Luka in spring 2000, Albright expressed disappointment with the
failure of past efforts to overthrow the legally elected Yugoslav
government. Albright said that she had hoped sanctions would lead
people to "blame Milosevic for this suffering." An exasperated
Albright wondered, "What was stopping the people from taking to the
streets?" Indicating that the U.S. was casting about for a pretext for
intervention, she added, "Something needs to happen in Serbia that the
West can support." (18)

The paths of Yugoslavia's two republics are sharply diverging, and
Montenegro has embarked on a program to place its entire economy at
the service of the West. November 1999 saw the introduction in
Montenegro of the German mark as an official currency and the passage
of legislation eliminating socially owned property. One month later,
several large firms were publicly offered for sale, including the
Electric Power Company, the 13th July Agricultural Complex, the
Hotel-Tourist firm Boka and many others. (19) The republic's
privatization program for 2000 calls for the privatization of most
state-owned industries, and includes measures to "protect domestic and
foreign investors." Three hundred firms will be privatized in the
initial stage of the plan. In early 2000, the U.S. signed an agreement
to provide Montenegro $62 million, including $44 million from the U.S.
Agency for International Development (USAID). According to the agency,
it will also undertake "assistance programs to support economic reform
and restructuring the economy..to advance Montenegro toward a free
market economy." U.S. policy advisor on the Balkans James Dobbins
indicated that the U.S. viewed the "market-oriented reforms of the
Djukanovic regime as a model and stimulus for similar reforms
throughout the former Yugoslavia." The U.S. is also offering
guarantees for private investors in the republic. Additional aid is
provided by the European Union, which has approved $36 million for
Montenegro. "From the first day," admitted Djukanovic, "we have had
British and European consultants." (20)

The Center for International Private Enterprise, an affiliate of the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is providing support to the Center for
Entrepreneurship (CEP) in Montenegro. According to the center's
executive director, Petar Ivanovic, the organization "focuses on
elementary and high schools," establishing entrepreneurship as a new
subject to be taught in schools. As Ivanovic explains it, "Introducing
young people to the concept of entrepreneurship will make them less
resistant to the private sector." The CEP also intends to "educate
government officials about the potential rewards of the private
sector," and to help them "understand the benefits of economic reform
and privatization." (21) According to Djukanovic, when he met with
President Clinton on June 21, 1999, the U.S. president gave the
privatization process a push by telling Djukanovic that the U.S.
planned to "stimulate the economy" by "encouraging US corporations and
banks to invest capital in Montenegro." (22)

Djukanovic has moved steadily toward secession from Yugoslavia,
indicating that he will push for separation if the right-wing
opposition loses the September 24 election. In a phone call to
Djukanovic in July 2000, Madeleine Albright promised that the U.S
would provide him with an additional $16.5 million. That same week,
Djukanovic blurted out that Montenegro "is no longer part of
Yugoslavia." He also made the astonishing claim that he considered it
a "priority" for Montenegro to join NATO, the organization that had
bombed his country only the year before. The next month, Albright
announced that she and Djukanovic "try and talk to each other and meet
on a regular basis," and that the "United States is supportive of the
approach that President Djukanovic has taken in terms of democratic
development and his approach to the economic reforms also." (23)

Western support for secession extends beyond Albright meeting and
talking with Djukanovic. More than half of the population of
Montenegro opposes secession, and any such move is likely to explode
into violence. In preparation for that rift, Djukanovic is building up
a private army of over 20,000 soldiers, the Special Police, including
special forces armed with anti-tank weapons. Sources in Montenegro
revealed that Western special forces are training this private army.
Djukanovic has requested that NATO establish an "air shield over
Montenegro" as he moves toward secession. One member of the Special
Police, named Velibor, confirmed that they were receiving training
from the British SAS. "If there is a situation where weapons will
decide the outcome, we are ready," he said. "We are training for
that." At a press conference on August 1, 2000, Minister Goran Matic
declared that the "British are carrying out part of the training of
the Montenegrin special units. It is also true," he added, that the
Special Police "are intensively obtaining various kinds and types of
weapons, starting with anti-aircraft and anti-helicopter weapons and
so on, and they are also being assisted by Croatia, as the weapons go
through Dubrovnik and other places." Furthermore, Matic pointed out
that, "last year, before and after the aggression, a group from within
the Montenegrin MUP [Ministry of Interior Affairs] structure left for
training within the U.S. police structure and the U.S. intelligence
structures." In August, two armored vehicles bound for Montenegro were
discovered in the port of Ancona, Italy. One of the vehicles was
fitted with a turret suitable for mounting a machine gun or anti-tank
weapon. Italian customs officials, reports the Italian news service
ANSA, are "convinced" that arms trafficking to Montenegro "is of far
greater magnitude than this single episode might lead one to believe."
Revelling in anticipation of armed conflict, Djukanovic bragged that
"many will tuck their tails between their legs and will soon have to
flee Montenegro." (24)

A violent conflict in Montenegro would provide NATO with its
long-desired pretext for intervention. As early as October 1999,
General Wesley Clark drew up plans for a NATO invasion of Montenegro.
The plan envisions an amphibious assault by more than 2,000 Marines
storming the port of Bar and securing the port as a beachhead for
pushing inland. Troops ferried by helicopters would seize the airport
at Podgorica, while NATO warplanes would bomb and strafe resisting
Yugoslav forces. According to U.S. officials, other Western countries
have also developed invasion plans. (25) Richard Holbrooke, U.S.
Ambassador to the UN declared, "We are in constant touch with the
leadership of Montenegro," and warned that a conflict in Montenegro
"would be directly affecting NATO's vital interest." (26) NATO General
Secretary George Robertson was more explicit. "I say to Milosevic:
watch out, look what happened the last time you miscalculated." (27)

President Milosevic and the ruling coalition enjoy considerable
popular support in Yugoslavia, and many Western analysts admit they
are likely to emerge victorious in the September 24 election. This
will set in motion, possibly within a few months, a NATO strike
launched from Bulgaria intended to overthrow the legally elected
government of Yugoslavia. If the coup fails, then Montenegro could
declare independence, setting in motion a chain of events that would
lead to a second all out war by NATO against Yugoslavia. The war in
1999 brought immense suffering to the Balkans. The next war promises
to be catastrophic.


1) "Bulgaria - Press Review" BTA (Sofia), August 12, 2000 "Bulgaria -
Us CIA Director's Visit," BTA (Sofia), August 15, 2000 "CIA Did Not
Tell Us the Most Important Thing," Trud (Sofia), August 16, 2000
"Bulgaria - Press Review," BTA (Sofia), August 14, 2000 "Bulgaria -
Press Review," BTA (Sofia), August 16, 2000

2) Mila Avramova, "Italians Lease Training Ground for 400,000 Leva,"
Trud (Sofia), August 9, 2000 Michael Evans, "Balkans Watch for
'Invincible'," The Times (London), August 26, 2000.

3) Paul Beaver, "Clinton Tells CIA to Oust Milosevic," The Observer,
November 29, 2000. Fran Visnar, "Clinton and the CIA Have Created a
Scenario to Overthrow Milosevic,"  Vijesnik (Zagreb), November 30,

4) Douglas Waller, "Tearing Down Milosevic," Time Magazine, July 12,

5) Michael Moran, "A Threat to 'Snatch' Milosevic," MSNBC, July 8,

6) "Yugoslav Police Say Killer of Local Leader Worked for Opposition,"
Agence France-Presse,

May 15, 2000.

"Arrested Assassin Gutovic Member of Otpor and SPO," Tanjug
(Belgrade), May 15, 2000.

7) "Yugoslav Official Accuses CIA of Being Behind Montenegro Murder,"
Agence France-Presse, June 6, 2000. Aleksandar Vasovic, "Serb Aide
Says CIA Behind Slaying," Associated Press, June 6, 2000 "Yugoslav
Information Minister Accuses CIA of Complicity in Zugic Murder," Borba
(Belgrade), June 6, 2000

8) Statement by Richard Tomlinson, addressed to John Wadham, September
11, 1998.

9) "Serb Consensus: Draskovic Crash Was No Accident," Seattle Times
News Services, October 13, 1999.

10) "NATO: Milosevic Not Target," BBC News, April 22, 1999.

11) "Serbs Allege Milosevic Assassination Plot," Reuters, November 25,
1999. "France Plots to Murder Milosevic," Agence France-Presse,
November 26, 1999. "SFOR Units Involved in a Plot to Kill Milosevic,"
Agence France-Presse, December 1, 1999. Gordana Igric, "Alleged
'Assassins' Were No Stranger to France," IWPR Balkan Crisis Report
(London), November 26, 1999. Milenko Vasovic, "Belgrade's French
Connection," IWPR Balkan Crisis Report (London), November 26, 1999.

12) "Lt. Testifies at Milosevic Trial," Associated Press, April 26,

13) Aleksandar Vasovic, "4 Accused of Milosevic Death Plot,"
Associated Press, July 31, 2000. "Dutchmen Arrested, Accused of
Plotting Against Milosevic," Agence France-Presse, July 31, 2000.
Email correspondence from Herman de Tollenaere, quoting from NRC-
Business Paper of August 1, 2000. "Arrested Dutchmen Admitted Plans to
Kill, Kidnap Milosevic," BETA (Belgrade), August 17, 2000. "Dutch
Espionage Terrorist Gang Arrested in Yugoslavia - Minister," Tanjug
(Belgrade), July 31, 2000. "Yugoslav Information Minister Says U.S.
Behind Dutch 'Mercenaries'," BBC Monitoring Service, August 1, 2000.

14) "West Sees Noose Tightening Around Milosevic," Reuters, June 9,

15) "NDI Activities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(Serbia-Montenegro)," NDI Worldwide Activities, www.ndi.org

16) "Britain Trains New Elite for Post-Milosevic Era," The
Independent, May 3, 2000. The New Serbia Forum web page,

17) "Final Text of Stability Pact for Southeast Europe," June 10,
1999. U.S. Embassy, Skopje, Macedonia, "Southeast Europe Equity Fund
Launched July 26," July 27, 2000. White House Fact Sheet, "The
Stability Pact for Southeast Europe: One Year Later," July 27, 2000.

18) Borislav Komad, "At Albright's Signal," Vecernje Novosti, May 18,
2000. "US Anti-Yugoslav Office Opens in Budapest," Tanjug (Belgrade),
August 21, 2000.

19) Ljubinka Cagorovic, "Montenegro Assembly Scraps Socially-Owned
Property," Reuters, November 13, 1999. "Montenegrin Government
Prepares to Privatise Economy," Tanjug (Belgrade), December 25, 1999.

20) Central and Eastern European Business Information Center,
"Southeastern Europe Business Brief," February 3, 2000. Central and
Eastern European Business Information Center, "Southeastern Europe
Business Brief," April 27, 2000. Anne Swardson, "West Grows Close to
Montenegro," Washington Post, May 24, 2000.

21) Petar Invanovic, "Montenegro: Laying the Foundation of
Entrepreneurship," Center for International Private Enterprise.

22) Statement by Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, "Important
Step in Opening New Perspectives For Montenegrin State Policy,"
Pobjeda (Podgorica), June 22, 1999.

23) "Albright Renews Montenegro Support," Associated Press, July 13,
2000. "Montenegro Wants to Join NATO and the EU," Agence
France-Presse, July 10, 2000. Office of the Spokesman, U.S. Department
of State, "Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright and Montenegrin
President Milo Djukanovic," Press Stakeout at Excelsior Hotel, Rome,
Italy, August 1, 2000.

24) "Montenegro Ahead of Elections: Boycott and Threats," BETA
(Belgrade), August 9, 2000. "Montenegro and Elections - Boycott
Becomes Official," BETA (Belgrade), August 17, 2000. Phil Reese, "We
Have the Heart for Battle, Says Montenegrin Trained by SAS," The
Independent, July 30, 2000. "Yugoslav Information Minister Says U.S.
Behind Dutch 'Mercenaries'", BBC Monitoring Service, August 1, 2000.
"Yugoslavia Says British SAS Trains Montenegrins," Reuters, August 1,
2000. "Information Minister Sees Montenegrin Arms Purchases, Croatian
Assistance," BETA (Belgrade), July 31, 2000. "Foreign 'Dogs of War'
Training Montenegrin Police to Attack Army," Tanjug (Belgrade), August
9, 2000. "Montenegro: Camouflaged Military Vehicles Seized in Ancona,"
ANSA (Rome), August 21, 2000. "Montenegro: Traffic in Camouflaged
Armored Vehicles: Investigation into Documentation," ANSA (Rome),
August 22, 2000.

25) Richard J. Newman, "Balkan Brinkmanship," US News and World
Report, November 15, 1999.

26) "Clinton Warns Milosevic 'Remains a Threat to Peace'," Agence
France-Presse, July 29, 2000.

27) "NATO's Robertston Warns Milosevic on Montenegro," Reuters, July
27, 2000.

Louis Proyect
Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

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