> [Part II of Blaut via H. Liu.]
>                  iv. Cultural Racism
> All of this notwithstanding, biological racism remained somewhat
> respectable until the 1950s and 1960s, the classical era of national
> liberation and civil rights struggles. Racist practice now needed a
> new theory. At this time, mainstream scholarship was being
assigned --
> quite literally: with funds and jobs provided -- the task of
> formulating a theoretical structure which would rationalize
> dominance of communities of color in the Third World and at home.
> a theory would have to accept two anti-biological-racist
> which were axiomatic in Non-European communities: that Europeans are
> not innately superior, and that economic development can bring
> non-Europeans to the same level as Europeans. The problem was to
> that non-Europeans, though equal to Europeans in innate capacity,
> cannot develop economically to the European level unless these
> societies voluntarily accept the continued domination by European
> countries and corporations, that is, neocolonialism.
> The outcome of this truly massive theory- building effort was the
> theory of "modernization."  This theory argued, in essence, that
> non-Europeans are not racially, but rather culturally backward in
> comparison to Europeans because of their history: their lesser
> cultural evolution. And it is for this reason that they are poor. So
> they must follow, under European guidance and "tutelage," the path
> already trodden by Europeans as the only means of overcoming
> backwardness. Non-Europeans were thereby defined as inferior in
> attained level of achievement, not potential for achievement. This
> the real essence of cultural racism.
> One of the most interesting and important aspects of this
> theory-building campaign was the deification of Max Weber by various
> groups of social scientists, among them the Parsonian structural-
> functionalists (see Peet 1991) and "traditional mind" theorists like
> McClelland, most of whom were involved directly or indirectly in the
> modernization-theory construction project. Weber himself, a
> half-century before, had expressed the then-dominant European views
> concerning non-Europeans, with some small improvements. Weber's
> argument, though partially grounded in biological racism (see, e.g.,
> Weber 1958: 30; 1967: 387; 1981: 299, 379; 1951: 231-232), could
> easily be detached from that grounding because most of what he wrote
> about European superiority was axiomatic argumentation about the
> uniqueness of the European mind -- its rationality, its spiritual
> capacity -- and historical argumentation about the unique rise
> Europe, and Europe alone, of institutions and structures which were
> the source of modernity. (See in particular Weber 1951; 1958; 1981.)
> Neither rationality nor structure was (in general) connected
> to race, as effect of a prime cause. Thus the Weberian argument
> be, and was, detached from race and presented as a theory of
> modernization grounded in the uniqueness of European mentality and
> culture, permanent qualities which throughout history gave Europeans
> continuously more rapid course toward modernity than non-Europeans.2
> Those who think that Weber became popular in the 1950s and 1960s
> because of his well-known opposition to the Marxist theory of the
> of capitalism are missing the bigger picture. Weber, and
> became important at that time mainly because Weber provided
> contemporary social scientists with a theory of modernization,
> essentially an elegant and scholarly restatement of colonial-era
> about the uniqueness of European rationality and the uniqueness of
> European culture history. Weber was to neocolonialism what Marx was
> socialism. In a manner of speaking, Weber was the godfather of
> cultural racism.
> Cultural racism, as a theory, needs to prove the superiority of
> Europeans, and needs to do so without recourse to the older
> from religion and from biology. How does it do this? By recourse to
> history -- by constructing a characteristic theory of cultural (and
> intellectual) history. The claim is simply made that nearly all of
> important cultural innovations which historically generate cultural
> progress occurred first in Europe, then, later, diffused to the
> non-European peoples (Blaut forthcoming 1992). Therefore, at each
> moment in history Europeans are more advanced than non- Europeans in
> overall cultural development (though not necessarily in each
> particular culture trait), and they are more progressive than
> non-Europeans. This is asserted as a great bundle of apparently
> empirical facts about invention and innovation, not only of material
> and technological traits but of political and social traits like the
> state, the market, the family. The tellers of this tale saturate
> history with European inventions, European progressiveness, European
> progress.
> This massive bundle of purportedly empirical, factual statements was
> woven together by means of a modern form of the 19th-century theory
> Eurocentric diffusionism (Blaut 1987a; 1987b). This theory evolved
> a justification and rationalization for classical colonialism. It
> asserted, in essence, the following propositions about the world as
> whole and throughout all of history. (1) The world has a permanent
> center, or core, and a permanent periphery.  The center is Greater
> Europe, that is, the continent of Europe plus, for ancient times,
> Bible Lands and, for modern times, the countries of European
> settlement overseas. The core sector, Greater Europe, is naturally
> inventive, innovative, progressive. (2) The periphery, the
> non-European world, naturally remains traditional, culturally
> or stagnant.  (3) The basic reason why Europe is progressive,
> innovative, etc., is some quality of mind or spirit, some
> "rationality," peculiar to Europeans. (4) Progress occurs in the
> periphery as a result of the diffusion, the outward spread, of new
> innovative traits from the core to the periphery. The diffusion
> process itself is natural. It consists of the spread of European
> ideas, European colonialism, European settlers, and European
> commodities. Notice that the basic theory can be driven by
> biological, or cultural motors. In the modern, post-1945 form of the
> theory, the motor was culture, or rather culture history. The theory
> itself was softened in some ways, for instance conceding that some
> progress takes place in non-Europe (in spite of cultural
> but the structure remained basically the same.
> Modern diffusionism therefore depicts a world in which Europeans
> always been the most progressive people, and non-Europeans are
> backward, and permanently the recipients of progressive ideas,
> and people from Europe. It follows that progress for the periphery,
> today as always in the past, must consist of the continued diffusion
> of European "rationality" and institutions, European culture and
> control. The periphery, today, includes the Third World, along with
> Third World minorities embedded in the European-dominated countries
> like the United States, in ghettos, reservations, prisons,
> migrant-labor camps.
> The main proposition here is a kind of Eurocentric historical
> tunnel-vision which can be called "tunnel history." Historical
> causation occurs, basically, in Europe and its self-proclaimed
> hearth, the ancient Near East. (Examples: the origin of agriculture,
> cities, states, science, democracy, feudalism, private property,
> discovery, capitalism, industry...)  Non-Europe participates in
> history mainly as recipient of diffusions from Europe. The most
> important part of tunnel history concerns the world before 1492.
> 1992 is a peculiarly appropriate year in which to point this out.)
> essential argument is this: Europe was advancing more rapidly than
> other civilizations of the world, and was more advanced than these
> other civilizations, at the very beginning of the modern era, prior
> the rise of capitalism and modernization, and prior to the
> of colonialism. Therefore, the superiority of Europeans as
> and of European culture has very, very old roots and, by inference,
> natural and fundamental.  This proposition accomplishes everything
> that biological racism accomplished and more; indeed, there is a
> structural as well as functional parallelism between this doctrine
> biological racism. It argues, in essence, that a cultural, not
> genetic, superiority appeared in the European cultural pool very
> ago and, just like genetic superiority, it has led ever since to a
> greater rate of development for Europe and to a level of development
> which, at each moment in history, is higher than that of
> cultures. Something occurred long ago in European culture which
> it into rapid progress. This something then continued to operate to
> generate progress throughout all of later history. In effect: a
> cultural gene, or cultural mutation. But cultural racism claims that
> vast number of these European cultural causes of progress, cultural
> mutations, occurred, throughout history, one after another, each
> adding further impetus to the progress of Europe, each pushing
> farther ahead of all other civilizations.
> v. A Few Examples
> Before I give a few illustrative examples of modern cultural-racist
> theories, I have to offer two introductory comments to avoid
> misunderstanding -- serious misunderstanding. First: Precisely for
> reason that we have, these days, so much racism yet so few racists,
> cultural racism is not, in most cases, propagated by people whom we
> would want to label "racists." The doctrine is theory, not
> prejudice. Those scholars who advocate one or another form of it are
> people who believe that they are dealing with facts, and with the
> policy implications of these facts. Most of them reject prejudice
> are not prejudiced. They simply believe that there are
> empirical reasons, grounded in cultural differences, which explain
> some groups and individuals are backward.
> Secondly, it is very important to distinguish between those
> which merely assert that some culture traits survive for long
> of time and those statements which assert that some ancient, or at
> rate tenacious, culture traits explain the superiority of this
> and the inferiority of that one. Change is the normal condition in
> human cultures. If there is lack of change, it is either because the
> members of a culture do not want to discard some cherished traits or
> have no choice because of impinging circumstances. No human group is
> so stupid as to cherish misery, want, and death.  Culture traits
> generate or worsen such things are discarded, and quite deliberately
> so. (There are exceptions to this generalization, but they are very
> rare, though much publicized, particularly in freshman textbooks.)
> Cultural ecologists speak of a "culture core" consisting of those
> traits and institutions which lie close to the realm of human
> survival: matters of life and death (see in particular Steward
> 1955). This part of culture is very plastic, very adaptive. People
> resist change in other parts of their culture (such as religion).
> it is very questionable to infer that human groups will retain any
> traits if doing so is destructive to their livelihood and
> survival. Therefore, whenever you hear a statement like "this group
> unprogressive because of its religious values," or "that group is
> because its members are tradition-minded and opposed to innovation,"
> you should be on the lookout for cultural racism. It is one thing to
> respect culture, and to appreciate cultural differences, and quite
> another thing to rank human groups on cultural criteria, and to
> then that you have explained history.
> Now some examples.
> 1. Many historians, today as in the past, claim to find a uniqueness
> in the culture of very early Europe, something which they connect
> the early Indo-Europeans (e.g., Lelekov 1985; Baechler 1988) or the
> Germans (e.g., Macfarlane 1978; 1986; Crone 1989) or the Iron-Age
> peasants (Mann 1986; 1988), and quite regularly attach to the
> Greeks as contradistinct from their non-Indo-European neighbors (see
> the analysis of this matter in Bernal 1987). In Marx's Germany, the
> conventional wisdom was that ancient Germans were uniquely
> freedom-loving, innovative, individualistic, aggressive, and
> the modern form of the doctrine does not depart much from this
> formulation except as it admits Celts and Greeks to membership; no
> modern evidence adds support. Here, now, are some of the historical
> theories built upon the doctrine. (i) Ancient Europeans were
> inventive and technologically innovative, and thereafter remained so
> (Jones 1981).  (ii) Ancient Europeans acquired a unique love of
> freedom, which matured then into a democratic state (Mann 1986;
> 1985). (iii) Ancient Europeans, because of or in close association
> with their individualism, adopted a unique family type which then
> acted to favor progressiveness, innovativeness, and, incipiently,
> capitalism (Jones 1981; Macfarlane 1986; Todd 1985).
> 2. Many theories begin Europe's uniqueness with Roman times, or
> slightly earlier, often focusing on the Church, or the partly
> pre-Christian "Judeo- Christian tradition," or the later Western
> Church.  Different theories find different causes for the emergence
> the new, and unique, and uniquely progressive culture. The effects
> also are manifold.  For instance: (i) Lynn White, Jr,. argues that
> Judeo-Christian teleology explains Western technological
> and innovativeness (see Blaut forthcoming 1992); (ii) Anderson
> sees something uniquely scientific and intellectual in the cultural
> heirs to the Greeks and Romans; (iii) Werner (1988) believes that
> European s became uniquely progressive because Christianity alone
> prominence to the individual.
> 3. A great many present-day historians believe that Europeans long
> acquired an ability to resist the Malthusian disasters which
> supposedly blocked development in every other culture, some of the
> arguments starting with the ancient Iron Age folk, some with an
> amalgam of Germanic and Christian elements, some with medieval
> Northwest-Europeans (see Mann 1986; Macfarlane 1986; Jones 1981;
> 1977; Crone 1989 and many others). This then becomes a general
> explaining what some call the "European miracle," by arguing that
> (mythically unique) European family, nuclear, late-marrying,
> companionate, led to population control (Hall [1985: 131] speaks of
> "the relative continence of the European family"); led also to a
> capitalist mentality (Macfarlane 1986; Laslett 1988); even led
> unmarried European men to go forth and conquer the world because of
> their sexual frustration (Stone 1977: 54).
> 4. Paralleling all of these arguments is a set of arguments to the
> effect that non-Europeans, long ago, acquired cultural qualities
> blocked development, or -- this is perhaps the more common
> -- such qualities are "traditional," and therefore have always been
> present in non-European cultures. Todd (1985: 192) thinks that
> Africans and African-Americans do not progress because the African
> family has always lacked the father-figure. Many other scholars
> either to specific old traits in specific cultures as causes of
> non-change, or else depict a world-wide zone of "traditional
> -- including almost all non-European cultures -- which
> lacked rationality, or achievement motivation, or sexual continence,
> or some other quality necessary to forward historical motion.  It
> be added that this argument is also used very routinely to explain
> poverty of minority people in countries like the United States.
> for instance, lack of progress among Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in
> this country is attributed to the "traditional culture," its
> "fatalistic attitudes," "docility," etc., etc., this is still
> racism even though the source of the cultural argument is not
> but rather a kind of undated "traditional society."
> Cultural racism is rooted most fundamentally in historical mythology
> about the priority of Europe and thus the supposedly more mature,
> evolved, rational character of Europeans, today, at home and
> abroad. By way of closing this short paper I will simply note that,
> even if all of the roots are torn out, the vine will not wither: it
> will grow other roots, a new theory of racism, unless racism is
> attacked, not as theory but as practice.

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