My name is Alexis Robie and I am an independent documentarian. I have an 
important project that will provide an opportunity for those of you who are 
upset by the dominance of the mass media in all of our lives.

Over the past year, I have been spending quite a lot of personal time reading 
about, watching and experiencing different forms of protest in this country. 
During this process of examining the protest movements, my own opinions have 
undergone an interesting transformation.   

I can barely remember the "CNNified" events of the so-called "Battle in 
Seattle". I do remember my apathy. On the TV screen, protesters were depicted 
as tribes of discontented youth recognizable by their trademark black masks. 
They were assessed as stupid, uninformed, irresponsible and destructive. 
There was little if any attempt to truly explore who were the tens of 
thousands of men and women that actually took to the streets.

Later that spring, after reading a profile of Juliette Beck and the Global 
Exchange’s Global Democracy program, I knew I needed to look beyond the TV 
screen. On April 16, I began a personal education that took me to the streets 
of Washington, where I was overwhelmed by the energy, passion and knowledge 
found in peaceful marchers and resistors to the "Business as Usual" attitude 
of this country's government and corporations. I wanted to find out more. I 
needed to be involved. 

Recognizing that my own apathy was part of the larger problem, I volunteered 
with the Independent Media Center to help disseminate information that was 
being ignored by the networks. In August 2000, I traveled to the Republican 
convention in Philadelphia with my own camera and documented the protests and 
actions of the Billionaires for Bush or Gore. They seemed to welcome my role 
as a documentarian and especially as a witness. It was an eye opening 
experience, which intensified my desire to learn more. 

Something very important is happening in the streets of the United States.  
Men and women of divergent ideologies and backgrounds are joining together to 
fight common enemies such as corporate greed and globalization at the expense 
of the world's underserved. A solidarity is emerging that has not been seen 
for decades in this country. These men and women come from all walks of life. 
Their beliefs are strong and well thought out.

 In Philadelphia, sophisticated strategy, well-devised communication networks 
and multiple forms of protest were executed with no centralized authority and 
marked success. They were actually producing change. I did not find this in 
the media's coverage of the events. I had to go and discover it for myself. I 
took to the streets with my camera and my curiosity. One thing became 
terribly clear -- there was no way I could get a sense of who these 
protesters are and what they stand for by sitting on the couch at home or 
reading the New York Times. If America is to get a dose of reality, something 
must be done.

With this in mind, I am developing and presenting stories of protesters in 
New York over the next year in a documentary called "Who's Shaking America?" 
This one-hour video will allow people to see a different side to network 
media's weak portrayal of protesters and their movements. Ultimately it may 
help the public at large make more informed opinions.

Since the April 2000 IMF meetings in Washington, DC, I have been collecting 
video and learning all I can about protesters and their backgrounds. I have 
subscribed to many protest-oriented mailing lists and have been avidly 
reading their opinions and observing the careful planning for actions.

Now I want to take it a step further. I am looking for some individuals 
and/or groups to join me on my quest to challenge the media stereotypes of a 
protester. I will start by constructing the mythical "protester" with images 
pulled from news coverage, historical representation, Hollywood portrayals, 
and man-on-the-streets interviews. I would then like to contrast this 
representation with real and committed protesters. I want to document 
protesters as they plan for actions and live their lives. I am looking for 
groups and individuals who are committed to positive change in our country 
and the rest of the world.    

I would like to begin formal production at the start of the New Year. If you 
are interested in participating in the project, please contact me so we can 
exchange an email, talk on the phone or even get some coffee. I hope to 
produce a complex analysis of today’s protesters by speaking to a broad 
variety of people with different cultural backgrounds and political aims. 
Because of financial constraints, I can only consider people who are located 
in the New York State area, but I will be able to travel with local people to 
actions around the country when and if the time comes.

I hope to offer another way of looking at these growing social movements 
through your real stories. These stories, I know, will inspire hope in our 
future and maybe even encourage others to get off that couch, turn off CNN, 
and get in the streets.

Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from many of you soon.

Best Regards,

Alexis Robie

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