> Following we publish the call issued by the Power of the Working Class
>  (Preparatory Group) of Korea on the current struggles in their countries. We,
>  the Anti-imperialist Camp, express our full solidarity with the courageous
>  struggle of the Korean workers and invite all serious anti-imperialist to do
>  likewise.
> ************
> Solidarity with the Daewoo Motor Workers!
> Condemn the Kim Dae-jung Regime!
> A Call for International Solidarity Action by the Power of the Working Class
>  (Preparatory Group)
> The workers of South Korea have suffered yet another violent and brutal
>  crackdown at the hands of Nobel Peace Prize-winner President Kim Dae-jung.
> On the afternoon of February 20, over 4,000 armed riot cops stormed Daewoo
>  Motors Bupyong plant, which was being peacefully occupied by several hundred
>  striking workers and their families. Many were viciously beaten and 76 were
>  taken in for questioning. The cops have detained 7 union leaders and are out
>  to
>  arrest 29 more. The very next day, on February 21, Daewoos creditor banks
>  gave
>  the company a pat on the head for the crackdown by extending the credit
>  period
>  and providing it with even more funds. This shows who this is all basically
>  for, whose interests the whole vile affair is all about. As this is being
>  written, arrest warrants are also being drawn up for the top leaders of the
>  Korean Confederation of Trade Unions.
> The Bupyong workers had begun a strike on February 16, in opposition to the
>  company and regimes mass sacking of 1,750 workers. Whats more, many of this
>  1,750 are the key union activists and militant workers in the plant  an open
>  attempt to destroy the union in Bupyong. This sacking comes on top of some
>  3,500 that have been laid off since last November, and thousands more since
>  the
>  collapse of the Daewoo empire in late 1998. The completion of Daewoo Motors
>  restructuring and its sell-off overseas is vital for the onward march of the
>  regimes neoliberal reforms, which are nothing but a desperate bid to
>  salvage
>  a deeply crisis-ridden capitalist economy at the enormous expense of working
>  peoples living conditions and democratic rights. Its result is billions of
>  dollars of handouts to the corporate robbers, while working people suffer
>  more
>  and more unbearable hardships. And when workers resort to mass struggle to
>  defend even the little they still have, the regime thunders dow!
> n with batons and boots. It is nothing short of a war on South Korean working
>  people.
> However, since the crackdown, the workers have courageously begun to regroup.
>  They are holding daily rallies in Bupyong and attracting the support of other
>  workers and organisations. In response, the regime has deployed even more
>  cops
>  and are attempting to suppress any attempts at protest. It is almost like a
>  return to the days of military rule when we had to converge at pre-arranged
>  locations to hold surprise demonstrations.
> We urgently call on the international workers movement to take immediate
>  solidarity action to place international pressure on the vicious Kim Dae-jung
>  regime. We request protests and industrial action to target the South Korean
>  governments embassies and consulates, Daewoo Motors outlets and service
>  centres, as well as any other South Korean government representative
>  institutions and figures.
> * Stop the mass sackings!
> * Kim Dae-jung regime Resign Now!
> * Release the Arrested Now!
> * Nationalise Daewoo Motors!
> ---------------
> Please send solidarity messages and information about action being taken to
>  the
>  following email addresses:
> Park Seong-In, Gen Sec PWC mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Won Young-su  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Iggy Kim  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ************************************
> Antiimperialist Camp
> PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
> Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10
> www.antiimperialista.com/en
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