here's a famous partisan song;in 1942 the H.Q on the briansk front recieved a 
message."we have weapon's.if necessary we can seize more from the enemy.what 
we need is a song.we can't get one as a trophy;send us a song".

        it was signed by the partisans of the briansk forest;the poet antolii 
sofronov and composer sigizmund katz found it difficult to decide what sort 
of song to couldn't be a marching song;partisans don't march.they 
don't sing loudly either;the less they are seen and heard the better.the 
result was an epic song in russian tradition that could be sung very softly 
in chorus;it was performed for the first time in a dug out on the night of 
6th nov a party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the october 

                         '  THE BRIANSK FOREST MURMERED GRIMLY
                            AS THE BLUE FOG SETTLED DOWN
                            THE PINES ALL AROUND STRAINED TO HEAR
                             THE TREAD,THE TREAD OF PARTISANS GOING INTO 

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