fyi.    A.Holberg

Socialist Appeal schrieb:
> What's new at In Defence of Marxism
> Thursday, December 14, 2000  
> Special on Hungary
> We are publishing three historical articles on the 1956 Hungarian 
> workers' uprising. One of them is an open letter to the ranks of the 
> British Communist Party published in 1956 by Ted Grant. Together with 
> these articles we are publishing two more recent articles on the 
> situation in Hungary in the 1990s. These articles should be read together 
> with: 'Hungary: the darker side of capitalist restoration' (by Julianna 
> Grant, Budapest, June 2000) at 
> <> and 'The Forgotten 
> Revolution' on the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 (by Alan Woods, 
> November 12, 1979) at <>
> - Hungary 1956 and the Political Revolution
> We are reproducing an article first published in October 1986, the 30th 
> anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian workers' uprising against Stalinist 
> oppression. Even though its outcome was a tragic defeat, in which at 
> least 20,000 Hungarian workers were killed and countless others injured, 
> imprisoned and forced into hiding or exile, it nevertheless was 
> undoubtedly the most significant pointer to future developments in the 
> Stalinist states since the consolidation of the bureaucracy around Stalin 
> in the 1920s. It was the most vivid confirmation of the perspectives of 
> Trotsky, that the workers under Stalinist dictatorship, far from 
> accepting their conditions or demanding a return to capitalism, would 
> move in a political revolution to take power into their own hands. The 
> tremendously inspiring events of the Hungarian October are full of 
> lessons for the workers of Eastern Europe and the whole world.
> - Hungarian revolution 1956, forty years on
> We are republishing this article on the 1956 Hungarian revolution, first 
> published on the 40th anniversary in Socialist Appeal issue 45, October 
> 1996. That movement of the Hungarian masses signified the culmination of 
> the growing discontent evident in Eastern Europe at the time. Eastern 
> Europe has seen turbulence in its history for centuries, our present 
> epoch being no exception. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the 
> attempt to re-establish capitalism in the region, millions are coming to 
> ask the crucial question of our time: if Stalinism was a hated and 
> bankrupt system but the move towards capitalism leaves thousands in 
> poverty, unemployment and hopelessness, is there a social system that can 
> provide a job, a house and hope for the future - and if there is one, how 
> can we achieve it? The masses of Eastern Europe - and Hungarians in 
> particular - could do no better than look at what happened in 1956 in 
> giving them the ideas and a direction to follow. To quote Leslie Bain, a 
> journalist and eyewitness of the events of 1956: "No event in recent 
> history has been so much lied about, distorted and besmirched as the 
> Hungarian Revolution". (by Julianna Grant, October 1996)
> - Hungary and the Crisis in the Communist Party
> The events that unfolded towards the end of 1956 in Hungary shook all the 
> Communist Parties of the world. The official line of the Communist 
> Parties was that what was taking place in Hungary was a Fascist 
> counter-revolution! Not all the ranks of the CPs were fooled. Many could 
> see that the workers of Hungary had risen up against the bureaucratic 
> elite in power. This could be no counter-revolution. Thus many rank and 
> file members of the Communist Parties questioned the official party 
> interpretation of events. In 1957 alone the Italian Communist Party lost 
> 300,000 members as a result of the Hungarian events. In Britain the 
> Communist Party of Great Britain was also affected. It was in order to 
> intervene in the debates taking place in the British CP that Ted Grant 
> wrote an open letter at the end of 1956, that we publish here below. (by 
> Ted Grant, November 1956)
> - Hungary's Bitter Experience of Capitalism
> We are republishing this article on the effects of the transition to 
> capitalism in Hungary first published in Socialist Appeal issue 20, March 
> 1994. "A visit to Budapest holds many promises. The general feel of the 
> place was different from anything experienced before. Miles and miles of 
> closed factories greeted me as I travelled into Budapest. The contrast in 
> downtown Budapest could not have been sharper. Unending traffic, with as 
> many Mercedes limousines and BMW's as Wartburgs, Ladas and Trabants; the 
> swish, but very expensive shops and well dressed shoppers made me feel I 
> had risen out of the Metro into a different world. The advent of 
> capitalism has produced a polarisation of the population in terms of 
> appearance, mood, wealth and lifestyle. A small, but significant section 
> of people were living very well, but the vast majority, especially those 
> in some country areas, where wholesale factory closures removed the sole 
> employer, were sinking into poverty, unemployment and hopelessness. This 
> was definitely not the great dream many had at the fall of the Berlin 
> Wall and after the last election, when a right-of-centre coalition of the 
> Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) and the Smallholders Party was elected 
> in Hungary  In three years most Hungarians have learned by bitter 
> experience that capitalism has no answers to Hungary's economic and 
> political troubles." (by Julianna Grant, March 1994)
> - Hungary turns to former 'Communists': 
> Hungary's move towards capitalism has produced a new political, economic 
> and social crisis
> We are republishing this article on the electoral victory of the former 
> Stalinists in Hungary in 1994, first published in Socialist Appeal, issue 
> 23, July 1994. Following the trend of much of Eastern Europe Hungary in 
> 1994 placed back in power the leaders and parties it had rejected just 
> five years earlier. This article explains the background to the 
> Socialists' victory. (by John Gandy, July 1994)
> ------------------------------------------------------
> If you would like to be informed by email of new additions to the In 
> Defence of Marxism web site send us an email to  
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> body. If you want to be removed from this list send a message to the same 
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> ------------------------------------------------------
> Yours in solidarity,
> Socialist Appeal's "In Defence of Marxism" web site
> PO Box 2626
> London N1 7SQ
> Britain

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