PO Box 3355
Dublin 7, Ireland
- Friday, 24 November 2000 -



On 28th March 2000 a group of eleven anti-racists occupied the Taoiseach's
[Prime Minister's] constituency office, in protest at proposed draconian
measures against asylum seekers. The government was planning to introduce
prison ships (so-called 'flotels'), forcible fingerprinting and the
introduction of police from abroad to catch people fleeing injustice in
their own countries. Bertie Ahern had praised the Australian system of
dealing with asylum seekers, where people are held in detention centres.

Although the protest was entirely peaceful, the eleven were arrested and
two women were stripsearched in Fitzgibbon St. Police Station. The eleven
have since been charged under the Public Order Act and face the possibility
of prison sentences. The use of such laws to clamp down on legitimate
political protest in Ireland is a disturbing attack on civil liberties.
Previously, trade unionists and other protestors have been threatened with
similar sanctions. Occupations have been used by other groups as a form of
protest many times in the past. For example, when members of the Irish
Farmers Association (IFA) occupied the offices of the EU Commission for 10
days in July, the Taoiseach met with the IFA leadership on several
occasions during the occupation and gave a 'compensation package' costing
£60m. It is clear that the Public Order Act is selectively applied.

The accused anti-racists are guilty of no crime. The real crime is the
racism of the state. In recent years the government has deported many
people who have come to Ireland to escape political and economic
persecution. Refugees have faced racist harassment from police and other
state officials. Politicians have repeatedly tried to scapegoat refugees
for social problems in an attempt to hide their own responsibility for the
lack of investment in housing and social services.

Racism is the real crime: fighting against it is not a crime. We ask people
to support the anti-racists, who are guilty of nothing but standing up to
that crime.

"I support the eleven anti-racists charged in connection with the
occupation of the Taoiseach's constituency office. I call for the charges
against them to be dropped."

Name: _________________________
Address: ________________________

Return to: Residents Against Racism, c/o Comhlamh, 10 Upper Camden St.,
Dublin 2
E-mail messages of support to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Appeal issued by: Anti-Racism Campaign, Anti-Fascist Action, Residents
Against Racism, Ogra Shinn Fein



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