Heres a post from Stevie of Red Action to the UK Left list. It's about
Terry Liddle. Liddle is an LSA supporter, Green Party candidate and is VERY
close to the Weekly Worker. Myself and a couple of others in AFA have been
watching this guy for a while now and eventually we got enough evidence
together to prove he was involved in collaboration with a fascist group, the
National-Revolutionary Faction, in it's attempts to infiltrate the LSA
(Liddle was even to be an LSA candidate at the next election). NRF itself is
almost definately a state run "honey-trap" organisation.
 Anyway, theres a huge blow up going on in the LSA over this and the LSA may
even suffer very serious splits. The CPGB is very strongly backing Liddle
and is covering up for him (see last weeks Weekly Tosspot). This is why I
commented on Sukants remarks about RA's "cuddling up" to the Weekly Worker
being about to end.
 RA and AFA are spitting bricks over this and the CPGB are walking on thin
ice. Take my word for it - this one will end in tears. Already the group the
group that Liddle runs, the South London Republican Forum is to be
"dissolved" by AFA. The Republican Communist Network, which both SLRF and
CPGB are part of looks set to split and the CPGB itself is looking to get
some of its members slapped if they continue their current behaviour,
including attacking AFA in print. (Ironic that after so many years of
slagging SLP and M-Ls as "Red/Browns" and "National-Bolsheviks" that they
theselves are now being found to be a part of the real thing!!!)

 (Also mentioned below is Steve Myers, a known cop and rapist who know
"leads" Workers Fight, a tiny trot group and does alot of "work" with
Russian trots. Peter Manson is a Weekly Worker writer, as is Ian Donavan.
All three have publically defended Liddle from AFA)

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