This Engineering Notebook post discusses topics relating to transliterating 
Leo to Typescript on vs-code. These issues became apparent while working on 
#3235 <>.

This ENB will be background for discussions between Félix and myself.


Leo's *g.os_path_** functions differ from the corresponding *os.path.** 
functions in Python's standard library. Alas, removing these differences is 
likely to be difficult or impossible.

*g.os_path_normslashes* converts backslashes to forward slashes, but only 
on Windows. We *might* explain this behavior by saying that Leo's core uses 
only forward slashes. But I have my doubts.

*g.os_path_join(*args, **kwargs)* augments *os.path.join* with two hacks:
- *'!!'* prepends ** to the list of paths.
- *'.'*  prepends *c.openDirectory* to the list of paths, provided there is 
a *'c'* kwarg.

Imo, only should support these conventions. They make no sense 

*c.expand_path_expression* evaluates so-called *path expressions* appearing 
in @file nodes. Such expressions are security risks because they can 
contain arbitrary Python code. Leo deserves a safer alternative that will 
work without Python support in vs-code. 


Several conflicting principles apply:

1. Don't break existing code (or outlines) without compelling reasons.
2. Don't enshrine dubious code or design forever.
3. Re-evaluate little-used features that may be difficult to port vs-code.
4. Make minimal changes to Leo.


I will make *no* significant changes to Leo without consulting Leonistas 
first. This post only starts the conversation. Félix and I will certainly 
discuss these issues at length. 

Changes to Leo g.os_path_* wrappers are dangerous. They could break 
existing scripts and plugins and change the meaning of .leo files. This 
post omits many tricky details.

Otoh, LeoJS may be obliged to change some of the routines mentioned here: 
vs-code can not use Python exactly as Leo does.

Your comments, please.


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