Ivan Kabaivanov wrote:
> I was wondering if the devs are, perhaps, working behind the scenes on 
> putting 
> together some PM as per the long thread(s) from a few weeks ago.  Is there 
> still interest in and momentum behind this idea?

As almost always, I'm way behind reading this (and other) lists. So I
stumbled upon those PM mails from early march a few days ago. While I'm
much in favor of a more PM oriented approach, seeing that RPM looks like
its getting to be the prime candidate makes me somewhat uneasy. Me
hatred for RPM is most likely no longer rectified, as I haven't used it
for ages (ever since I switched to (B)LFS). I remember vividly
struggling with SuSE installations after they went to RPM. I was
virtually unable to select a set of packages that met my wishes and was
without conflicts. The automatic dependency resolution seemed to make
matters even worse. Maybe this is just my limited understanding or plain
wrong spec files or whatever, but it looked to me like when you, e.g.,
upgraded libpng-1.2.25 to libpng-1.2.26, all packages that depend on the
former have now missing dependencies ... RPM was one of the prime
factors that made me seek alternatives, and eventually find LFS.

Now what shall I do? For the past 3 years, I've been working on my own
PM (currently in a redesign, erm, hiatus). Of course I have some kind of
emotional attachment, but if something better comes along, I can bear
dumping it. But when I read that RPM doesn't allow the same file owned
by more than one package, the uneasyness returns. It had me scratching
my head, too, but I finally found a solution that made sense to me:
The file from the latest installed package wins. If this package is
removed, the version from the then newest package is reinstalled.
Simple. Effective.

I really don't know what to do right now. Abandon my own PM, use
whatever LFS ends up using? Try to convert the .spec files (or its
siblings in other PM implementations) to mine (and finish the dang thing
in the first place)? Or install Ubuntu and forget about knowing my
system well?

Don't get me wrong, LFS is in no way to blame for the dilemma I'm in.
I'm honestly seeking advice. As I said, my PM rewrite is on hiatus (my
spare time is currently very limited, and some functionality is going to
be rather hard to implement). So an agreed upon, good, working PM may be
an easy way out.

Thanks for listening to the drivel,
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