You would almost have to spin up an apache or nginx web server and server your 
files that way if you’re interested in HTTP/S


Andrew Reis

MCTS, Network+, Mobility+

Network/Systems Analyst & Webmaster




From: lftp-devel [] On Behalf Of 
Guilherme Silveira
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 09:17
Subject: [lftp-devel] FTP-over-HTTP



I am new to lftp and would like to ask some questions...Please forgive me if 
the questions are dumb 

I need to implement the server side of a communication system that uploads and 
downloads files. The client side is using lftp as the client. 

It was agreed to use HTTPS as the communication protocol to do this. 

I am not an http-protocol expert, but I am wondering if this is possible. Pure 
HTTPs does not have all functionalities that ftp has, and would be necessary a 
API on the server side to make it work. For example, HTTPs does not have a 
command to list the contents of a directory. 

So, my conclusion is that the only way to implement this would be using 

My question is: 

1- What is exactly a  ftp-over-http? How does it works under the hood? 
2- What I need to do to implement a server that support ftp-over-http? 
3- What tools and software would you use to implement the server side? (for 
example: apache with mod_proxy, or jboss with something else, etc) 

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