Call for Participation – ACM SigComm2015 – Workshop on Ethics in Networked 
Systems Research

Co-located with ACM SIGCOMM’15<>
August 21st 2015
London, UK

A full day workshop titled “Ethics in Networked Systems Research” will be held 
at the ACM SIGCOMM 2015 in London. This multidisciplinary workshop will bring 
together two distinct groups of researchers:

- Computer scientists, network scientists and other technical researchers who 
are interested in the ethical and legal aspects of their work;
- Researchers studying the various ethical, social scientific and legal aspects 
of data-driven projects in the field of computer and data communication 

This workshop seeks 1 to 4 page summaries, focussing on ethical considerations 
of papers, publications and projects from the two disciplines, for example:

- Technical research in the field of computer and data communication networks 
that either operates in an ethical grey zone, collects and processes personal 
data/personal identifiable information, or has been rejected from another venue 
on ethical grounds;
- Ethical, social scientific or legal research that reflects on – or aims to 
guide – technical research and projects in the field of computer and data 
communication networks, especially an analysis to minimise the potential harm 
whilst enabling a broad range of Internet research to be conducted.

Selected authors and invited speakers will present their work, which will be 
followed by a structured discussion. The workshop will also facilitate an 
interactive session in which participants will split into multidisciplinary 
groups and address emerging ethical dilemmas in Internet measurement and 
information controls research, partly based on the submitted summaries. This 
session will be informed by a website (currently under development), that 
presents ethical guidelines for the fields of Internet measurement and 
information control. Papers submitted to this workshop will not be archived in 
the formal sense, so authors can submit papers elsewhere, or submit summaries 
of previously accepted papers.

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline – March 31st, 2015
Paper acceptance notification – April 30th, 2015

Prof. Ian Brown – Oxford Internet Institute
Dr. Joss Wright – Oxford Internet Institute
Bendert Zevenbergen – Oxford Internet Institute
Erin Kenneally – University of California San Diego, Center for Applied 
Internet Research & Elchemy, Inc.
Dr. Malavika Jayaram – Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Harvard + Centre 
for Internet & Society, India
Allen Gunn – Aspiration Tech
Meredith Whittaker – Measurement Lab
Christopher Wilson – the engine room
Stuart Schechter – Microsoft Research

Please email papers to<>
Workshop website:
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