> Apologies for crossposting, please distribute as appropriate:
> Call for Abstracts for Chapters
> Volume 2 of the International Handbook of Internet Research
> (editors Jeremy Hunsinger, Lisbeth Klastrup, and Matthew Allen)
> Abstracts due June 1 2014; full chapters due Sept. 1 2015
> After the remarkable success of the first International Handbook of
> Internet Research (2010), Springer has contracted with its editors to
> produce a second volume. This new volume will be arranged in three
> sections, that address one of three different aspects of internet
> research: foundations, futures, and critiques. Each of these
> meta-themes will have its own section of the new handbook.
> Foundations will approach a method, a theory, a perspective, a topic
> or field that has been and is still a location of significant internet
> research. These chapters will engage with the current and historical
> scholarly literature through extended reviews and also as a way of
> developing insights into the internet and internet research. Futures
> will engage with the directions the field of internet research might
> take over the next five years. These chapters will engage current
> methods, topics, perspectives, or fields that will expand and
> re-invent the field of internet research, particularly in light of
> emerging social and technological trends. The material for these
> chapters will define the topic they describe within the framework of
> internet research so that it can be understand as a place of future
> inquiry. Critique chapters will define and develop critical positions
> in the field of internet research. They can engage a theoretical
> perspective, a methodological perspective, a historical trend or topic
> in internet research and provide a critical perspective. These
> chapters might also define one type of critical perspective,
> tradition, or field in the field of internet research.
> We value the way in which this call for papers will itself shape the
> contents, themes, and coverage of the Handbook. We encourage potential
> authors to present abstracts that will consolidate current internet
> research, critically analyse its directions past and future, and
> re-invent the field for the decade to come. Contributions about the
> internet and internet research are sought from scholars in any
> discipline, and from many points of view. We therefore invite internet
> researchers working within the fields of communication, culture,
> politics, sociology, law and privacy, aesthetics, games and play,
> surveillance and mobility, amongst others, to consider contributing to
> the volume.
> Initially, we ask scholars and researchers to submit an 500 word
> abstract detailing their own chapter for one of the three sections
> outlined above. The abstract must follow the format presented below.
> After the initial round of submissions, there may be a further call
> for papers and/or approaches to individuals to complete the volume.
> The final chapters will be chosen from the submitted abstracts by the
> editors or invited by the editors. The chapter writers will be
> notified of acceptance by January 1st, 2015. The chapters will be due
> September 2015, should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words (inclusive of
> references, biographical statement and all other text).
> Each abstract needs to be presented in the following form:
> · Section (Either Foundations, Futures, or Critiques)
> · Title of chapter
> · Author name/s, institutional details
> · Corresponding author’s email address
> · Keywords (no more than 5)
> · Abstract (no more than 500 words)
> · References
> Please e-mail your abstract/s to: internet.research.handb...@gmail.com
> We look forward to your submissions and working with you to produce
> another definitive collection of thought-provoking internet research.
> Please feel free to distribute this CfP widely.
> Thank you
> Jeremy, Lisbeth, and Matt
> Jeremy Hunsinger
> Communication Studies
> Wilfrid Laurier University
> Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
> Virginia Tech
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> http://www.tmttlt.com
> You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
> --Mark Twain

Jeremy Hunsinger
Communication Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Virginia Tech

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http://transdisciplinarystudies.tmttlt.com/  Transdisciplinary Studies:the book 

I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do 
-Pablo Picasso

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