
Do you wish you had more experienced guidance and support to ramp up with 
social media on your campaigns? Are you posting and tweeting but want to do 
more to really engage members, get media attention, and build pressure on 
targets to win?

We've raised funds to provide up to six months of online support and guidance 
($2500 for each of six groups so far). We're reaching out to progressive 
funders and welcome private donations so we can offer more to more groups. In 
the meantime, we’ve crafted a short application and promise to offer a discount 
on training to all who apply.

To qualify your organization must be a 501(c)3, or sponsored by a c3. [If you 
are with a union, we hope you'll forward this email to a community-labor 
coalition you may be part of that has c3 status, and we're glad to work with 
you outside this grant process.]

Yes, I want to apply for a $2,500 mini-grant

SMT is a movement-based non-profit organization founded in 2013 to help 
organizing groups ramp up with online tools & tactics. We've trained hundreds 
of organizers and others across the country online and in person. See our 
website for recordings of some of these trainings, as well as lists of groups 
that have participated, and testimonials. And we're working with a number of 
groups individually to help them ramp up with online tools and tactics in their 
work. Some concrete examples of what we do are listed below.

Click here for the application and more info about us

Best wishes,

Hannah, for the team at Social Movement Technologies

Examples of what we do:

develop online strategy with staff and leaders to engage members, earn media 
and build power with targets
survey membership's social media habits as an aide to resource decisions
develop online petitions
build twitter followings strategically and coaching on how to use twitter in 
set up texting campaigns and opt-in campaigns for texting
craft targeted Facebook campaigns (to pressure targets and develop a broader 
provide guidance on Content Management Systems
design websites and campaign microsites, provide website maintenance, 
mobile-optimize sites
provide guidance on CRMs (database/emailing support)
develop content to increase virality on Facebook, Twitter and other channels 
(we have a great track record!)
implement Google Adwords campaigns, including helping c3 organizations access 
free ads
provide coaching on email writing and list segmentation for maximum impact
use multiple channels in a coordinated online campaign to maximize 
impact/pressure on target
develop volunteer Social Media committees and train volunteers 
staff social media at conferences including leading workshops, live tweeting, 
recruiting and training volunteer leadership
run in-person and on-line social media workshops
implement online metrics to assess effectiveness
Our national outreach partners include America Votes, the Gamaliel Foundation, 
National Peoples Action, Interfaith Worker Justice, WIN, ILCA, a number of 
State Labor Federations and Central Labor Councils, and others. All affiliates 
of outreach partners receive discounts on all our training and support, and we 
welcome these partnerships.

If this email was forwarded to you, opt-in on our email list to stay tuned. 
We'll be offering a training series in January "Twitter for Organizers"...and 
lots more coming up!

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