Happy Spring!

I wanted to share another quick update with you at a time when everything seems 
to be happening. They say as you get older that life moves faster. I am 
starting to feel like the flash these days!

In the world of Open Banking, I think its fair to say everything's happening. 
After so many years campaigning to open up the identity and data people have 
with their banks, I'm proud it is finally here. There has been a huge effort by 
the industry to make this happen over the last couple of years in the UK and 
that success is now driving a Global agenda with some countries kicking off 
similar programmes.

We recently published our market update on 
(http://www.theidco.com/articles/2018-04-04-Open-Banking-here )

One of the initiatives launching around Open Banking is Edinburgh's center of 
excellence focusing on use cases, impact and potential for Open Banking.

Come along for our first event on the 23rd of April later this month if you're 
interested in the subject. bit.ly/2q4P7Rd

Fintech Scotland (www.fintechscotland.com) has also launched and with strong 
leadership working hard to establish Scotland's pedigree in the space – it’s 
yet another great example of how Fintech is now the main stream agenda.

This was reflected in the Chancellor's Fintech strategy announcement 
(bit.ly/2H8u0EX) where again it's exciting to see the Fintech Delivery Panel 
(FDP) driving much of the industry agenda.

Regarding our own activities, we have been working hard grow our own team as we 
start to scale on the back of the Open Banking tsunami that is about to hit the 
industry. This has meant moving into 'Scotland's best office' which we are very 
proud of alongside Whitespace - a fantastic digital agency. If your passing EH1 
then please do stop by for a coffee - would be great to catch up and show you 
the office.

Finally out of over 150 Fintech companies (bit.ly/2GTNOyb) we were selected as 
one of a few to go on a trade mission to NY in mid-April by the DIT as a 
‘FinTech Mission’ - if your interested in catching up while we are there let me 

Exciting times for The ID Co. especially after so many years of flying the Bank 
Identity & Data flag. The challenge now is not how you access financial data - 
but what you do with it. A topic close to our heart and more to come on that 
later this year.

Hope all is well and catch up soon.

Chief Executive Officer

+44 (0)845 119 3333
+44 07957143996

For the latest news and developments for DirectID please follow us on LinkedIn 
The ID Co. Creating
Online miiCard.com (http://miicard.com) for consumers.
DirectID.co (http://directid.co) for businesses.
The ID Co. | Registered in Scotland SC400459.
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