--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Zack Bass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In the anti-Retribution post below, Dennis Lee Wilson urges us to heed
> the "excellent section on Justice found at The Anarchist
> Alternative <http://theanarchistalternative.info>"
I never describe my views in negative terms such as "anti-Retribution".
Anyone who uses negative terminology to describes my views is trying to
distort my views.


Instead of cherry picking thru the Justice section of The Anarchist
Alternative, I have reproduced the entire section below. It is not that
long and not very complex, so MOST people can readily understand it in
its entirety.

A good supplement--for those who want more in-depth reading--is "The
Enterprise of Law--Justice without the State" by Bruce L. Benson in
which he traces the gradual replacement of the RESTITUTION system of
early Anglo-Saxon society with the Retribution system after the Norman
invasion, and how the United States Revolution discarded the English
King/Monarchy system of government but retained the King's Retribution
legal system, which rewards the State, but leaves the victim with
nothing but higher taxes to support the prisons and the court system, a
feeling of loss (which is very real) and yearning for vengeance.

Dennis Lee Wilson
Signatory: Covenant of Unanimous Consent

Shallow thinkers about government almost always suppose that even if
it's not needed for anything else, it must be retained to run a justice
system; this naïve faith survives despite...

- its manifest failure to convict most of the guilty
- its manifest failure to avoid convicting any of the innocent and
- its manifest failure to compensate any of the victims.

Additionally government makes massive, wholesale use of the authority of
its courts wickedly and mendaciously to sustain and  prolong its own
power - hiding its devastation of personal liberties under the fiction
that courts can "interpret" laws.

Usually all that's called "law and order"; but as we've seen already on
this site, "order" - peace and harmony
<http://theanarchistalternative.info/ph.htm>  - is not only not
dependent on the existence of laws, it would be far more widely enjoyed
with none.

It's worth pausing to press this point; consider the extreme case of
murder. We all agree that murder is the worst thing anyone can do. No
anarchist will do it; to take another person's life, except in
self-defense or by his explicit request,  is the ultimate expression of
a determination to rule or govern that person, to take  over every last
remainder of his right to own and operate his own life. Surely, 
therefore, we need a law against murder?

No, we do not. Consider: that and every other law is a "thou shalt not"
handed down by government, a third party to the terrible transaction. If
the perp is caught and tried, he is held accountable to - the
government! Not to the family of the victim! If convicted he is required
not to recompense those victims but to endure punishment by that third
party! There is a complete disconnect between the original act of
aggression and its resolution by a government "justice" system, based on
law and punishment. The victim walks away with a thank-you at best, the
perp is left to rot in jail, the taxpayers are forced to feed him, the
government  people get a good feeling and all the lawyers, a good
living. This is "justice"? -  I don't think so.

So there's no useful purpose served by a law against murder. And if not
against that act, nor is there need for one against any other evil
action. Let's now see how  real justice would take place in an anarchist
Justice in a Free Society  "Justice" consists in righting a wrong, as
far as is feasible. If the fundamental  right of someone to make all
decisions affecting his own life is violated, then there should be a
process of restoration, of making good the damage. It has no other
purpose. At once, therefore, we can see that punishment, in the sense of
retribution, must play no part whatever.
Instead the aim of any proper justice system (we'll now call it a
justice industry, for so it will be) will be to cause an aggressor to
recompense his victim, to make right what he first made wrong. He stole
property? - then he will be made to repay it, plus the cost of his
apprehension, plus interest. He caused physical damage? - then he will
be made to pay all medical and other bills needed to heal the affected
body parts. He cause mental distress? - then he will be made to give
whatever compensation the Court considers just. He killed? - then
likewise, he will be made to richly compensate the victim's friends for
the loss of his company. Only in that case (and in those of severe
injury) is it clearly  impossible to restore the victim himself to his
former state.

The old absurdity of an  "eye for an eye" will be consigned at long last
to the ashcan of history; if that principle  prevailed, the end result
would be a world of blind people.

This proper, rational vision of real justice provokes questions -
naturally, for through the government school system, the government-
controlled higher education system, the  government- licensed media, we
have all been guided never to think "outside the box". If this is your
own first time, welcome to real justice! But let's try to see some
Who would Pay?  Not the taxpayer, obviously, for there wouldn't be any!
Rather, the justice industry - consisting of competing detectors,
apprehenders, lawyers, arbitrators and executors - would be hired by the
plaintiff, the one whose sovereignty over his life has suffered damage.
That sounds expensive, until we realize that no law will exclude
insurers from playing a part. Very likely, most members of a free
society would take out an insurance policy to protect themselves against
the slight possibility of becoming the victims of  some form of
aggression. Then, the insurer would pick up the case on his behalf, lay
out any capital needed, and take a share of the damages awarded. Very
likely, some policies would provide that the insurer would consider the
circumstances and settle at once with the victim for an agreed figure,
then go out to recover that cost, plus profits, from the perp.

In the case of an indigent and uninsured victim, such a third party
might well intervene after the event - bidding, in effect, for the right
to such damages as can be recovered.
What about Restraint?  Prisons as we know them today would disappear,
for they are primarily about vengeance -  which, as we saw above, has no
proper part in true justice. Nonetheless, it's possible that some
aggressors will continue aggressing; as serial rapists for example. Must
they be allowed to walk free, once they have compensated their first few
These will be rare cases, though real; and restraint may in those few
cases be judged necessary for the protection of future victims. The
restraint will be nothing like as  barbaric as today's prisons and might
take the form of home confinement or electronic branding or monitoring.
"Keeping him behind bars" would be a fate reserved only for the tiny
number of violent incorrigibles - "Hannibal Lectors" - in society.

At least half of the present prison population has never harmed anyone.
They merely broke some government law. And very few of the remainder are
a true danger to the  public. Abolition of this barbaric institution
will enrich the human race.
Won't Crime Become More Attractive?  "Crime", defined as breaking a law,
will not exist; for nor will laws. A wrong exists only when someone's
rights are violated - call that "aggression."
Such aggression will however be much less attractive, not more so.
- A free-market, for-profit competitive detection industry will make it
rare indeed for  the perp to get away undetected. This proper,
free-market justice industry will make him pay; pay his victim, that is,
plus the cost of making him. The motive for "crime" is the perception of
net gain; that perception will disappear fast.
- A common if not universal part of any judgment will be that the facts
of the misdeed will be recorded for all to see. The aggressor's ability
to do business in the future will therefore be impaired; his word will
be less trustworthy. That is another heavy price to pay for his
aggression. Reputations are quickly lost, slowly restored.
That last is why the risk of suffering any kind of aggression will be
low, in an anarchist society. Perhaps it will  never disappear
altogether; no matter how high the probability of apprehension there 
may always be a few who will risk a lifetime of prosperity and good
friends for the possibility of a huge gain from fraud. But it is
inconceivable that an efficient, free market justice industry would
allow such behavior to occur at more than a tiny fraction of the rate
produced by today's government "justice" monopoly.

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