It looks like Ron Paul may have "won" the Missouri LP Primary also:\

                   Libertarian Presidential Primaries                
ies/>                                February 6th, 2008
There were 3 Libertarian presidential primaries on February 5.

Although the Arizona Libertarian Party was entitled to a taxpayer-funded
primary, it didn't use it, and instead held its own internet
primary. The party's webpage announces that George Phillies won, and
that Wayne Allyn Root placed 2nd, and Barry Hess 3rd. However, so far
there are no numbers. See

In California, with 96% of the precincts counted (although there are
also many uncounted absentee and provisional ballots), the results are:
Christine Smith 3,453; Steve Kubby 2,333; Wayne Allyn Root 1,896; Bob
Jackson 1,211; Barry Hess 739; George Phillies 689; Michael Jingozian
652; Robert Milnes 599; Daniel Imperato 590; John Finan 584; Dave
Hollist 562; Alden Link 442. It appears that write-in candidates
outpolled anyone whose name was printed on the ballot. It is probable
that Ron Paul won this primary, but since he didn't file as a
declared write-in candidate, no one will ever know for sure. When the
official tally is released, we will at least know how many voters voted
in this primary.

In Missouri, the vote reported so far is: Uncommitted 963, Wayne Allyn
Root 372, Steve Kubby 197, George Phillies 164, Daniel Imperato 140,
Michael Jingozian 79.

--- In, "Dennis Lee Wilson"
Did Ron Paul Win the Calif LP Primary?

Christine Smith easily placed first among candidates on the ballot
<>  in the California
Libertarian Party primary.

However, it appears that Smith was beaten by "write-in votes." The 12
ballot candidates received a total of 13,750 votes statewide, out of
about 80,000 who are registered statewide.

A check of major counties shows that, in each case, the number of
"write-in votes" exceeded Smith's total. For example, in Los Angeles,
the largest county in the state (making up a third of the state's
population) reported 2,157 write-in votes, compared to Smith's total of
746. Orange County reported 1,279 write-ins compared to Smith's total of
352. San Francisco County reported 145 write-ins, compared to Smith's
total of 86. Alameda County reported 138 write-ins, compared to Smith's
total of 133.

Unfortunately, the write-in votes will not be counted, since no one
filed as an official write-in candidate, but one can make an educated
guess as to what candidate LP registrants would write in.
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