Hello all,

if with "async io" is meant "doing native async disc / file io", then
there already is code that integrates with libevent-2.0.
Recently, Valery Kholodkov and myself did some work in this direction.
The latest version you can find in Valery's git tree right here:


What I can say is, that the linux native AIO was stable with several
long-running tests (> 300mb/s for longer than 1 day) even in
multi-threaded environments.

I am not up to date with the latest libevent developments @ trunk, so
please just ignore this email if it might prove redundant!


Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2009, jamal wrote:
>> I hope i come out sound patronizing or putting down the good
>> work done in libevent.
>> Is libevent trying to be too many things? I love the 
>> all-things-IO libevent provides; i guess buffer events are a natural
>> evolution path - but why all the DNS or HTTP stuff? whats next?
>> Is the end goal to become the one stop shop for all protocols
>> (like python twisted)?
>> I know i dont have to use or compile all the goodies, but 
>> would it not make more sense to keep the protocol processing
>> engines as a separate library that uses libevent (or for
>> that matter whatever the competition is)?
> I brought this up with Nick a couple weeks ago when we bumped into
> each other.
> I raised the possibility of breaking out the non-"event" code into
> separate libraries with enforced API boundaries. We were talking
> about various directions 2.0 can go in (in the context of doing
> sensible async IO that will scale under both windows and unix,
> given their differences of opinion in APIs :) but Nick's design
> goals differ slightly from my ideals.
> Adrian
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