While playing with pyevent, I saw this code:

def abort():
    """Abort event dispatch loop."""
    cdef extern int event_gotsig
    cdef extern int (*event_sigcb)()
    event_sigcb = __event_sigcb
    event_gotsig = 1

This is used in exception handling - if a callback throws an exception, it does this to propogate the exception through immediately (breaking out of the loop without running any more callbacks).

This off-label use of a deprecated libevent interface is confusing, and I suspect it can interact badly with the more modern signal handling interface.

I propose instead that libevent have a event_base_loop_break() and event_loop_break(). (Or whatever you want them called.) They'd differ from event_{base_,}loop_exit() in that they would *immediately* abort the loop without finishing the iteration (i.e., sooner than event_base_loop_exit({.tv_sec=0, .tv_usec=0})). They'd be analogous to the C "break;" statement. Like event_loop_exit(), the next dispatch would be unaffected.

Feelings? I'd be happy to work up a patch and unit test.

Best regards,

[1] - Well, not quite, because there's a bug. <http://code.google.com/p/pyevent/issues/detail?id=6> But it's clearly intended to, and with a small patch it does.

Scott Lamb <http://www.slamb.org/>
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