Thanks Stephan

This is a big help. I'll revisit my patch with this new information and get
some of the tests enabled so that I can see what happens. I'll repost my
patch after doing that and making the changes you have suggested.


Hi Justin,
> Thanks a lot for working on this.  Unfortunately, you sent your patch
> inline within your mail, which makes it hard to extract it (line breaks
> added by mail software, etc.)---could you please re-send it as an
> attachment?
> A few notes:
> - Each file that includes a cppunit header needs to include
> sal/precppunit.hxx first, see <http://wiki.****
> Development/Unit_Tests<>>
> and <**archives/libreoffice/2011-**
> September/018152.html<>>.
>  It would be great if you could modify your patch accordingly.  (I also
> note that sal/qa/rtl/bootstrap/rtl_**Bootstrap.cxx includes the cppunit
> headers twice in a row.)
> - These unit tests are currently not run.  How to enable them depends on
> whether the respective module has already been changed to gbuild or still
> uses dmake.  For sal, for example, (which still uses dmake), each test's
> directory would need to be added to sal/prj/build.lst.  The necessary lines
> can be modelled after the lines for already enabled tests,
>  sa sal\qa\... nmake - all sa_qa_... sa_cppunittester sa_util_saltextenc
> Then, executing "build" in sal should include those tests.
> - For many of those tests, it is unclear whether they build at all, and,
> if they do build, whether they work reliably (i.e., succeed each time they
> are run; work not only on one platform).  Especially for the ones in sal, I
> assume some are rather rotten (won't even compile) and/or do not reliably
> work on all platforms.  If you like, it would be great if you could try to
> enable some of the sal tests and see if they compile at all.  If they fail
> badly, its probably better to ditch them than to invest too much time
> trying to get them working.  Then, if there is a bunch of working ones
> left, we can commit them and see if the various tinderboxes like them, too
> (i.e., if they work reliably cross-platform).
> Let me know if that sounds like a plan to you.
> Stephan
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