On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:23 PM,  <bugzilla-dae...@freedesktop.org> wrote:
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51121
> --- Comment #16 from Arno Teigseth <a...@teigseth.no> 2012-07-30 20:23:08 UTC 
> ---
>> If this message looks like it comes from a Bugzilla n00b, it's because it 
>> does.
>> Apologies for any inconvenience!
> newbies are persons wanting to learn, so they are generally treated well
> in linux communities. Welcome.

Thank you!

> I have permanent access to OWA, and in my testing the problem isn't
> SENDING it with OWA. It's RECEIVING with OWA.
> Tried:
> a) Sending from OWA to Thunderbird -> opens OK
> b) Sending from Thunderbird to Thunderbird -> opens OK
> c) Sending from OWA to OWA -> opens as 0-byte document (calc tries to
> import it)
> d) Sending from Thunderbird to OWA -> reports wrong attachment size
> (+3kB) and opens as 0-byte document (calc tries to import it)

I agree with this, and if my tally is correct, the same behavior has
been pretty clearly (though not with as exact detail) affirmed thrice
thus far in the Bugzilla thread.

> Thus, I think this bug probably should be marked as "fails to open
> correctly when RECEIVED through Outlook Web Access".

True - that would be more accurately descriptive.

> Also tried sending the file just renamed to different extensions (), but the
> OWA webmail interface messes it up still. Probably trying to be smart with
> "file magic numbers"
> For information, fetching the _same mail_ from the _same server_ via WebDAV
> (http://davmail.sf.net)  into Thunderbird works great. So I'm about 95% this 
> is
> an OWA bug. Now where do we file that... (Could probably work around of 
> course,
> just to be nice with M$)

I'm pretty convinced, too, that it is an OWA bug, so I posted on the
Microsoft forums about it:

It's nice to know that there is someone who can receive test files via
OWA if I manage to produce such files. I hope you can also upload a
few of them as attachments to the Bugzilla thread?

My current test platform plan would be to install VirtualBox on our
dual-boot home server, which runs Ubuntu 12.04 and LibreOffice. Then I
would install Ubuntu 12.04 and OpenOffice on the VirtualBox. The
resulting test environments should be alike enough - right?

If I can take the time, I'll also produce test files on Windows XP -
the only trouble is that my old laptop is a 32 bit and the dual-boot
server is a 64 bit, but maybe that will not matter. I am about to find

Thanks again for the detailed response!


Ronja Addams-Moring
Student, researcher, translator, editor/proofreader, technical writer
Languages: English, Finnish, Swedish
E-mail: ro...@iki.fi ; URL: http://www.iki.fi/~ronja/
Skype: ronja-am ; Mob: +358 (0)40 502 8050
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