Bug ID: 120729
           Summary: User-Unfriendly Display of Tracked Modifications (if
                    tracking modifications is on)
           Product: LibreOffice
           Version: release
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: medium
         Component: Writer

This bug report pertains to LiberOffice Version:, Build-ID:
1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial4, CPU-Threads: 4; BS-Version: Linux 4.4; UI-Render:
Standard; Gebietsschema: de-DE (de_DE.UTF-8); Calc: group. The program runs
under Xubuntu 16.04.3 LTS with current linux kernel version 4.4.0-116-generic

There is a function in LO Writer to track modifications of a document. In the
German version this function can be invoked by Bearbeiten>Änderungen
verfolgen>Änderungen aufzeichnen. 

There is another function which controls, whether tracked modifications of the
document are displayed or not (in which case the final version is displayed and
all modification are just sored invisibly). In the German version this function
can be invoked by Bearbeiten>Änderungen verfolgen>Änderungen anzeigen and this
button works as a toggle-switch.

However, if this display mode not to show all deletions, insertions etc in
another color is not chosen, it happens to get switched off very often without
any user interaction through Bearbeiten>Änderungen verfolgen>Änderungen
anzeigen. For example, of you store the current document, LO Writer
automatically switches back to the display of modifications.

That’s quite clumsy and tedious, because the display of all modifications is
very distracting and one actually wants to show them only in very special
circumstances, to my experience.

The state of displaying modifications or not should not be changed except by
the user interaction through the named function or its equivalent tool buttons
or key combinations (if there are such bindings defined).

One more possible enhancement about recording modifications:
I would like to have four tool buttons (I hope I did not overlook them if they
exist, in this case some help to find them would be welcome): One to proceed to
the next modified place, one to go back to the last one and one to accept or
reject the current modification. The found modification should be highlighted
after clicking on one of the first two buttons. 

The requested functionality is in principle present: In the German version
under Bearbeiten>Änderungen verfolgen>Änderungen verwalten (the English version
it might be called “manage modifications”). However you have to know where you
are. If the cursor is on some unaltered part of the document, the highlight is
on the next modification. So the current work point easily gets lost when
working with this method. If the current cursor is on a modified part of the
document, the proper modification record is highlighted, in this case it is ok
for me.

This function to manage modifications would be improved, if a fat e.g. red line
would be shown in the table of modifications between the one before and the one
after the position of the cursor in the document, if that happens to be on some
unaltered part.

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