Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 68565
          Keywords: regression
           Summary: Other: Request for capability to save .BAK files in
                    same location as original document
          Severity: normal
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: All
          Hardware: Other
        Whiteboard: BSA
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
           Version: Inherited From OOo
         Component: Libreoffice
           Product: LibreOffice

As I understand it, LibreOffice (hereinafter LO) only supports saving of backup
files (file type .BAK) in a single folder location (Windows7 default such as
C:\Users\eBatch\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\backup) . I believe there
are good significant drawback with the single default folder approach and would
like to  request a capability to save backup files in same folder as the
respective original documents. I see the drawbacks of the single folder
approach as follows:

1. The single default folder will just get fuller and fuller over time with
what are potentially redundant backup files (of course, if one is aware of it,
one can "manage" the situation to some degree, but it is not as obvious as
storing the backups along with the original documents).

2. Following on from 1. above, if one comes to manage the backup files at a
later it is not not so obvious as to what each file is (without reviewing the
contents). This is particularly so when one has many projects under way at the
same time (especially where the documents for each project are held in discrete
folders but with some degree of commonality of document naming - e.g.
...\CustomerA\Costings.odt  and  ...\CustomerB\Costings.odt etc.). 

3. Following the example given in 2. above, a conflict arises when editing
documents with the same name from two different
folders. LO does not manage this effectively at all, with the backup reflecting
whichever was the latest document to be saved. This happens regardess of
whether the files are being edited (and saved) concurrently or separately.
IMHO, not good at all.

Seems to me that one should at least have the choice of whether to use the
current default method or store backups with the  original documents. This
request applies to all components that support saving of such backup files.
Operating System: All
Version: Inherited From OOo
Last worked in: release

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