Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 81135
           Summary: EDITING: Superfluous paste option.
          Severity: normal
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: Linux (All)
          Hardware: Other
        Whiteboard: BSA
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
           Version: release
         Component: Spreadsheet
           Product: LibreOffice

Problem description:

Among others, Calc's Paste Special gives a choice of pasting only Text, only
Numbers and only Dates. This forces the user to use the Paste special function
much more than necessary, because a range of cells can easily contain numbers,
text and dates, but if Paste Only Text is used, the Numbers and Dates won't be
pasted, and if Paste Only Numbers is used after Paste Only Text, all the text
is deleted, etc.. I challenge you to find a situation in which Paste Special
will not work as well or better if numbers and text are pasted; and since dates
are really numbers, the option of pasting dates is really pasting a number and
part of a format. However, typically a person would paste a date into a cell
that is expecting a date and is already formatted properly (assuming your paste
number doesn't clear the date formatting. Combine the three into Paste Only
Values - 99.99% of the use of Paste Special is because the user wants to copy
what is shown, not the formula, and without the underlying format.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Use Calc to do real engineering or accounting work.
2. ...
3. ...

Current behavior: Pasting unformatted, calculated values instead of underlying
formulas requires a lot of extra work.

Expected behavior: Pasting unformatted, calculated values should be possible
with one mouse-click.

Operating System: Linux (Other)
Version: release

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