This is an extremely good news !!

Note that he says GNU/Linux, the real name, to talk about the whole system.

And so, he uses the 4 freedoms to explain what is Free Software.

The "funny" thing  is that he defines Free Software as an "intellectual
property model", so we have to explain why saying “Intellectual
Property” is not relevant...

Anyway, as a French citizen, I ask president Hollande to make Richard
Stallman a chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur :)

On 09/29/2012 01:03 AM, Thomas Harding wrote:
> [please forgive my English]
> French Prime Minister issued a circular letter in favor of the use of
> free software by government
> entitled "Guidelines for the use of free software in government", the
> short letter from French Prime Minister Jean Marc Ayrault presents a
> work from the DISIC (IT direction for government).
> Notably:
>   * They recommends Free Software usage, also Free Software support by
> contractors
>   * They expressly define Free Software as the 4 freedoms defined by FSF
>   * They define Free software as *a model of intellectual property*
>   * They warns on such Free Software owned by a single company
>   * They define use cases on forks (see also above point: MySQL,
> Open/LibreOffice, ...)
>   * They recommends to joint software development communities as an
> organization more than as individual (some arguments are specious here:
> participate, give patches, ..., is OK, but give an orientation...)
>   * They strongly recommends mutual development in government branches
>   * They recommends to give back to Free Software 5 to 10 percents of
> savings compared to a proprietary (fr: privatrice -- is not used) solution.
>   * They defined working groups
> Ref: PRMX1234912C
> <>
> (paste the document reference in form field -- search "NOR" on right side)

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