Le 09/10/2012 22:33, Thomas Harding a écrit :

Lobbying may work on politicians[1], advertising (seems to) work on masses.

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past".
/George Orwell, 1984/

[1] software patents are /again/ on discussion at European parliament. This could occurs
enlistment of numerous software patents which were not allowed "as is".

From: thomas.hard...@wanadoo.fr (Thomas Harding)
Message-ID: <slrn8lckqt.507.thomas.harding@tagadatom.totodomain>
Date: 2000/06/25

[...] [=> signature I had in that times, site is closed for era]

Pub <<La propriété industrielle est une arme stratégique>> : Tout le
monde se souvient du renvoi du débat européen sur la brevetabilite des
logiciels ? Hé bien c'est reparti, l'INPI lance sa bombe à étrons.
http://perso.wanadoo.fr/thomas.harding Thomas Harding.

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