
Many discussions started about the conflict with RMS but no one (or only few 
ask about how can continue Stallman work and with work I don't mean GCC,
Coreutils, or emacs because he stops serious programming from years but
I mean he is work horse he attend many many (many) events in many
countries such as syria, china, tunisia, oman, venezuela, cuba,
Palestine, ..., etc And many many countries where they have no or small free
software community and he visits places where no one knows about free
software many of his talks are not in free software associated events
where I noticed he focus on universities which is the right place to

He arranged and participated in many protests about software patent and
I think he meets people with high positions like Hugo Chávez (I see
picture he took in his website).

He have good speaking skills and as I know talks three of four languages
(english, maybe Spanish and france I think) he can response to hard
philosophical question easily.

Many people say he is outdated but I disagree on that because his talks,
views, and opinions and his recorded talks (new ones) lead me and other
to the free software and without his talks I will not be on this mailing

As we know 'software can be outdated' BUT 'software engineering
practices cannot be outdated' which applies for 'software freedom philosophy'.

There is many good speakers in free software movement such as bradly
khun, eben molgan, molly de blank ... etc but they focus on free software events
and they don't work full time and don't travel a lot (full year, all over the 
world) like stallman did.

Many people defend stallman (which is good since this is their opinions)
but the forget that no one lives forever SO I hope FSF hire good
speakers full time and able to travel and argue (and really believe in
free software).

I don't think we can get some one as good as stallman but atleast there
is some one can takes some of Stallman work in spreading free software

when stallman leave the FSF first time the events schedule was somewhat empty.

*I say I hope because I am not member.

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