Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 20:30:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: gmattaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: unsubscribe digest

--- Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This digest contains the following messages:
>   2. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   3. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   4. Battery charger question  
>   5. Re: [LIB] Win2K installs on 100/110s  
>   6. Re: [LIB] Win2K installs on 100/110s  
>   7. win2k source directory  
>   8. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   9. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   10. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   11. 100CT overclocking (again)  
>   12. Re: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   13. Re: Re[2]: [LIB] li-ion cells  
>   14. Re: [LIB] 100CT overclocking (again)  
>   15. RE: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5  
>   16. Re: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5  
>   17. Re: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   18. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   19. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   20. Re: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   21. overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   22. Re: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   23. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   24. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   25. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   26. Re: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   27. RE: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   28. WD EZ-Drive Generic Version  
>   29. Re: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   30. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   31. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   32. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   33. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   34. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   35. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   36. Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb  
>   37. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   38. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   39. Re: [LIB] win2k source directory  
>   40. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   41. Re: overlay programs  [LIB]  
>   42. Re: overlay programs [LIB]  
> --------------------  1  --------------------
> Date: 
> From: tompc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <iframe src=cid:T96lwy83n height=0 width=0>
> </iframe>
> --------------------  2  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:44:28 +0700
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> > So I'm finally taking the big step and am in the
> process of upgrading
> > my HD to a 20GB one.  I'm following some advice I
> saw on the list a
> > while ago, using a windows boot disk's fdisk to
> partition out the
> > first 8.4 minus hibernation space, and a second
> hibernation partition,
> > then use a disk manager to partition the rest. 
> However, when I tried
> > to fdisk, it can only see 7978 MB, and will only
> let me parition 1137
> > MB.  Any ideas as to why?  I'm using a Win95 OSR2
> boot disk, my BIOS
> > hasn't been upgraded (it's still 6.40), the HD is
> an IBM-DJSA-220.
> Don't know...
> What model of Libretto?
> What OS('s) are you going to run?
> --------------------  3  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 10:21:47 +0100 (GMT/BST)
> From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> Hmm, I make 7,978MB = 8,365,539,328 which sounds
> close enough to me...
> (you do know 1GB is not 1000 MB right??? )
> I measured the hibernation start as 8,373,335,040 on
> my 100CT, but the
> BIOS may be holding back a little more for some
> reason. Probably rounding
> to the nearest cylinder boundry according the the
> mapped geometry
> (multiple of 16065 sectors). Of course aligning to
> virtual cylinder
> boundries is completely pointless, but that is
> Microsoft for you..
> You don't have to reserve space for the hibernation
> partion if using
> windows FDISK. It gets the drive size from the BIOS,
> which automatically
> subtracts what it needs. That is the advantage of
> doing the FDISK on
> the Libretto rather than on a desktop. In fact it
> reserves 64M for
> hibernation, and an additional 12GB out of
> stupidity.
> The point where you have to be careful is when you
> use a more powerful
> os which knows about the entire disk to allocate the
> space on the
> other side of the hibernation area.
> Don't know about the 1137MB limit. Did you enable
> support for large
> disks when starting FDISK?
> Regards,
> DigbyT
> P.S. You didn't mention which Libretto you have -
> they may behave
> slightly differently.
> > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 05:44:35 +0000
> > From: "Cerulean Skies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> > 
> > So I'm finally taking the big step and am in the
> process of upgrading my HD 
> > to a 20GB one.  I'm following some advice I saw on
> the list a while ago, 
> > using a windows boot disk's fdisk to partition out
> the first 8.4 minus 
> > hibernation space, and a second hibernation
> partition, then use a disk 
> > manager to partition the rest.  However, when I
> tried to fdisk, it can only 
> > see 7978 MB, and will only let me parition 1137
> MB.  Any ideas as to why?  
> > I'm using a Win95 OSR2 boot disk, my BIOS hasn't
> been upgraded (it's still 
> > 6.40), the HD is an IBM-DJSA-220.
> > 
> > Shultz
> -- 
> Digby R. S. Tarvin                                  
>            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --------------------  4  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 04:40:54 -0500
> From: "Lines, Nick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Battery charger question
> Hi all
> I have a battery charger that I'm using a fair bit. 
> When I plug a battery
> in, I occasionally get a red light appearing under
> the word "charge".
> The battery is good and charges well in the
> libretto.
> Any idea as to what this means?  And can it be
> fixed?
> Nick.
> --------------------  5  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 21:54:48 +0800
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Win2K installs on 100/110s
> At 04:40 PM 30/04/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 16:37:32 -0700
> >From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [LIB] Win2K installs on 100/110s
> >
> >
> > > Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 06:28:09 +0700
> > > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: Re: [LIB] Win2K installs on 100/110s
> > >
> > > > What needs to be copied from the Win2K CD to
> the HD for the install?
> > >
> > > WINNT directory - that's it, just that one.
> >
> >How large is that directory?  My Win2K CD is at
> home, not here...
> It'll fit comfortably into 500 meg ... watch your
> command line switches 
> though, I can have a look but IIRC if you don't use
> a command line switch 
> on the setup program it'll try to make a SECOND copy
> of the winnt directory 
> (a little dumb if you ask me but thats how it seemed
> to work IIRC).
> > > > Are there any files outside of the Win2K CD
> you'll need?
> >
> >So the floppy drivers with Win2K will work?
> Yup ... in fact if you do an install, even on a
> desktop, and watch 
> carefully during the preinstall text mode stage, the
> driver 'Libretto 
> floppy' actually flies past the bottom of the screen
> (the same part that 
> loads those esoteric drivers for things like Tseng
> Labs video cards, 10 
> year old Compaq SmartArrays, HP FibreChannel cards
> and so on) ...
> > > * including reserving the "hardware (BIOS)
> hibernate" space
> > > I'm not using any disk/overlay managers or
> anything like that.
> >
> >How much space, where?  Just create the 8Gig, then
> leave about 1-200 Megs 
> >after
> >that (formatted or not?), then the rest partitioned
> however I wish?
> Don't bother formatting that space .. in fact on my
> hard drive I've just 
> left it as unpartitioned space (created a partition
> there to space the rest 
> of the partitions over it then went back and deleted
> it).
> >I had forgotten that I don't need to worry about an
> overlay with Win2K,
> Be very careful. If the proverbial starts hitting
> the fan, you'll have one 
> hellava time trying to get your DOS boot disks and
> partition recovery tools 
> working (and you can't postemptively install the
> overlay either). Thats the 
> same reason now I only format in NTFS when
> absoluptly necessary for 
> security reasons ... makes data recovery too much of
> a headache. 2k doesn't 
> seem to mind running under FAT32 ...
> >  so I
> >guess I could use any 40Gig.  Is IBM or Toshiba
> better?   They cost about the
> >same.
> Flip a coin. Chances are the drive mechanics come
> from the same factory 
> anyway. Perhaps aim for Toshiba if you're looking to
> overclock, I hear the 
> IBM's electronics don't take kindly to raised bus
> speeds.
> - Raymond
> ---
> |                 | "Does fuzzy logic tickle?"      
>          |
> |   ___           | "My HDD has no reverse. How do I
> backup?" |
> |  /__/          
> +-------------------------------------------|
> | /  \ a y b o t  |          [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>          |
> |                 |          HTTP://  
>          |
> | ICQ: 31756092   |   Need help? Visit #Windows98 on
> DALNet!  |
> --------------------  6  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 06:58:17 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Win2K installs on 100/110s
> On Tue, 30 April 2002, Tom Stangl wrote
> > 
> > Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 15:59:09 -0700
> > From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Win2K installs on 100/110s
> > 
> > Hmmm, thought I sent this, but maybe Communicator
> crashed when the email
> > was open....
> > 
> > I know this has been discussed before, but does
> anyone have a SUMMARY of
> > all the steps necessary to install Win2K on a Lib
> 100/110?
> A lot depends on your set up, specifically your
> On mine, I use a Backpack CDROM that has parallel
> capability, so I do not have to worry about CSS to
> get
> the PC card setup. When I installed my 30gb IBM,
> this
> is what I did.
> 1. Create a boot disk from Win9x, set up to boot and
> load your CDROM drivers
> 2. Install your new HDD
> 3. Boot from floppy, FDISK and format
> 4. I installed EZBIOS, it was the only one that
> worked
> and sine I also have Win95 as well, I needed it.
> 5. I set up a total of 4 partitions. The first two
> were
> under the 8gb limit, then two partitions that were
> roughly 10gb each. I also created a hidden partition
> at
> the 8gb boundary that covered the 1010-1040 cylinder
> area for BIOS hibernation and Win95 hibernation. I
> know
> the size works out to be about 250mb total, but I
> figured with 30gb I could spare the room. I just
> didn't
> feel like trying to reduce it to the smallest size
> possible.
> 6. Reboot with EZBIOS installed, boot from the
> floppy,
> and install Win2K from the CD, and it will handle
> the
> rest. On my particular install, I used the L100
> recovery CDROM to install the Win95 portion onto C:,
> then installed Win2K from within Win95. and
> performed a
> clean install on D:, which automatically set up my
> boot
> menu as well.
> 7. Win2K will recognize everything in the Libretto,
> including the floppy drive. BIOS 8.0 is an absolute
> minimum to work properly with Win2K. I had Win2k
> running on my old HDD with v8.0 with no problems,
> then
> updated to 8.1 when it came out. No problems with
> the
> floppy in any install. Only had to install a couple
> updated drivers for PC cards and such that were more
> current than what was included with Win2K.
> That is pretty much it. I used Partition Magic 7.0
> to
> fine tune the partitions, EZBIOS 9.09w. I have a
> L100,
> OC to 266 w/64mb. Drive is an IBM 30gb travelstar. I
> would highly reccomend the IBM, at least in their
> notebook drives. Bigger cache than Toshiba, and 3
> year
> warranty.
> > 
> > I'd like to install it, and if anyone has a
> summary,
> I'd be happy to build
> > an HTML page and post it, and any Libretto
> webmasters
> would be free to copy
> > it to their site.
> > 
> > Key points:
> > What needs to be copied from the Win2K CD to the
> HD
> for the install?
> >     Is there a Win\Options\CAB like on the Win98
> CD,
> and if so, what is the
> > 
> >         path?  Do you need any other
> files/directories?
> I think if you wanted to copy the install files to
> the
> HDD, and install from there, you copied the i386
> directory, then you would not need the CD for the
> install. Never did it that way though, so I may be
> off
> on the directory.
> > 
> > If you already have Win98 on the system, will the
> Win2K install:
> >     Barf and quit
> >     Ask if you want to install over Win98
> >     Ask if you want to install to a new directory
> >     Ask if you want to set up a dualboot with
> Win98
> >     Tell you that you need to reinstall Win98
> afterwards, and customize
> >         it for dualboot (I don't THINK so, I think
> Win2K has to be
> >         installed AFTER Win98 to avoid problems)?
> In order for dual boot to work automatically, it
> needs
> to be installed second. That is how I always did it,
> and never had a problem. If win98 is already on the
> machine, you can install Win2k from within Win98 via
> the CD, it will give you an option for a clean
> install,
> and just select the partition you want it to be on,
> and
> it will handle the rest. At least that is how it
> handled mine under Win95, so should do the same
> under
> Win98.
> > 
> > Are there any files outside of the Win2K CD you'll
> need?
> >     Floppy drivers?  Win2K, or use Win98?
> >     The only Win2K specific file I see on the
> Toshiba
> site for 110s is
> >         the Power Extensions - should I use that
> one
> or the one from Win2K?
> I installed 2 or 3 Toshiba files after installing
> Win2k. I will need to dig through my drive and find
> them. One was the power extensions for Win2k.
> Another
> was the HW tools from Toshiba. There might have been
> a
> third set, but I can't seem to remember right now.
> > 
> > What is the recommended BIOS level for Win2K on a
> 110?  6.5, 7.3, 8.0, or
> > 8.1?
> If you haven't upgraded to 8.1, you might as well do
> it. I think 8.0 was the version Toshiba released for
> the initial compatibility with Win2k, and 8.1 fixed
> a
> glitch with the 3.3/5.0v on the PC Card socket.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm considering just buying a 40Gig IBM
> Travelstar,
> since they're only $148
> > at  Then I can install clean.  All
> I'll
> need at that point is
> > another hard drive handle.  Does anyone know a
> place
> that sells them at a
> > REASONABLE price?  Last time I looked, one site
> wanted $20, and I'd rather
> > build my own from scratch than pay that!  But I
> really want a spare handle,
> > so I can leave the current one on the Win98 20Gig
> that's in the system, so
> > swapping is as fast as possible if needed.
> > 
> I would get the IBM. good drive, and pretty quiet,
> at
> least on my 30gb.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!
> --------------------  7  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 09:01:09 -0500
> Subject: win2k source directory
> The source directory for win2k install off the CD is
> i386, not winnt. That
> is the destination install default directory.
> Konrad
> --------------------  8  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 22:05:08 +0800
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> At 02:35 AM 1/05/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 10:21:47 +0100 (GMT/BST)
> >From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> >
> >Hmm, I make 7,978MB = 8,365,539,328 which sounds
> close enough to me...
> >
> >(you do know 1GB is not 1000 MB right??? )
> >
> >I measured the hibernation start as 8,373,335,040
> on my 100CT, but the
> >BIOS may be holding back a little more for some
> reason. Probably rounding
> >to the nearest cylinder boundry according the the
> mapped geometry
> >(multiple of 16065 sectors). Of course aligning to
> virtual cylinder
> >boundries is completely pointless, but that is
> Microsoft for you..
> Why do we keep talking about the 8GB boundary? Its
> the 1024 cylinder 
> boundary, it just so happens that most of the drives
> have the same number 
> of bytes per cylinder. Problem is you'll get bitten
> if you come across some 
> other drive with a different config that you're not
> aware of. Much safer 
> IMHO to just partition based on the cylinders (use
> Linux FDISK/CFDISK or 
> *gasp* Partition Magic if you want). Note that
> cylinder 1024 isn't the 
> limit of where you want to partition, its more like
> cylinder 1013 
> (remember, the libretto can only SEE up to 1024
> natively so it'll shove its 
> hibernation junk just before it). Perhaps a search
> of this list for the 
> numbers 1013 and 1014 will turn up some more info
> ...
> >You don't have to reserve space for the hibernation
> partion if using
> >windows FDISK. It gets the drive size from the
> BIOS, which automatically
> >subtracts what it needs.
> Definitely not if you're using an overlay, otherwise
> I've had weird 
> problems with that on my 20 gig drive. I think its a
> combination of the 
> fact that booted into a DOS boot disk without
> overlay only sees 8 gig and 
> the fact that the Libby's BIOS by itself only seeing
> 1024 cylinders then 
> trying to figure out what to do with hibernation.
> Play it safe, do it 
> properly.
> >That is the advantage of doing the FDISK on
> >the Libretto rather than on a desktop. In fact it
> reserves 64M for
> >hibernation, and an additional 12GB out of
> stupidity.
> Heh .. there's Windows for you. I just use Windows
> FDISK to create a 6 gig 
> partition (ie. well away from the hibernation
> partition, assuming 1024 
> cylinders is around 8 gig) then use Partition Magic
> or Linux FDISK/CFDISK 
> to do the exact partitioning around the hibernation
> area (where you can see 
> and/or work in terms of cylinders).
> >The point where you have to be careful is when you
> use a more powerful
> >os which knows about the entire disk to allocate
> the space on the
> >other side of the hibernation area.
> Umm ... you've lost me. My install of Win98SE on my
> libby can see the 
> partition that goes from the 18 gig to the 20 gig
> mark on my hard drive ...
> >Don't know about the 1137MB limit. Did you enable
> support for large
> >disks when starting FDISK?
> 1137MB limit? Where did that come from? I'm
> intrigued ...
> Hope I've been of some help!
> - Raymond
> ---
> |                 | "Does fuzzy logic tickle?"      
>          |
> |   ___           | "My HDD has no reverse. How do I
> backup?" |
> |  /__/          
> +-------------------------------------------|
> | /  \ a y b o t  |          [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>          |
> |                 |          HTTP://  
>          |
> | ICQ: 31756092   |   Need help? Visit #Windows98 on
> DALNet!  |
> --------------------  9  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 22:07:32 +0800
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> At 10:50 PM 30/04/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 05:44:35 +0000
> >From: "Cerulean Skies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> >
> >So I'm finally taking the big step and am in the
> process of upgrading my 
> >HD to a 20GB one.  I'm following some advice I saw
> on the list a while 
> >ago, using a windows boot disk's fdisk to partition
> out the first 8.4 
> >minus hibernation space, and a second hibernation
> partition, then use a 
> >disk manager to partition the rest.  However, when
> I tried to fdisk, it 
> >can only see 7978 MB, and will only let me parition
> 1137 MB.  Any ideas as 
> >to why?
> Ah I see what you mean (refer to my previous post
> about not having heard of 
> that limit).
> Windows FDISK has a bug in it which means that in a
> way it actually DOES 
> see above 8 gig, it just wraps around (so if you've
> got a 9 gig hard drive 
> it'll let you go to about 1 gig or so because its
> wrapped around). Play it 
> safe, get an overlay program and do it properly. I
> *THINK* Windows FDISK 
> will behave with an overlay, if not use Partition
> Magic or Linux FDISK. 
> Alternatively, I think there's a freeware program
> out there called Ranish 
> partition manager (or something like that), I've got
> a colleague that 
> swears by that but I've never used it myself.
> Apparently it lets you do all 
> that stuff as well.
> - Raymond
> ---
> |                 | "Does fuzzy logic tickle?"      
>          |
> |   ___           | "My HDD has no reverse. How do I
> backup?" |
> |  /__/          
> +-------------------------------------------|
> | /  \ a y b o t  |          [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>          |
> |                 |          HTTP://  
>          |
> | ICQ: 31756092   |   Need help? Visit #Windows98 on
> DALNet!  |
> --------------------  10  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 07:07:45 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> On Tue, 30 April 2002, "Cerulean Skies" wrote
> > 
> > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 05:44:35 +0000
> > From: "Cerulean Skies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> > 
> > So I'm finally taking the big step and am in the
> process of upgrading my HD 
> > to a 20GB one.  I'm following some advice I saw on
> the list a while ago, 
> > using a windows boot disk's fdisk to partition out
> the first 8.4 minus 
> > hibernation space, and a second hibernation
> partition, then use a disk 
> > manager to partition the rest.  However, when I
> tried
> to fdisk, it can only 
> > see 7978 MB, and will only let me parition 1137
> MB. 
> Any ideas as to why?  
> > I'm using a Win95 OSR2 boot disk, my BIOS hasn't
> been
> upgraded (it's still 
> > 6.40), the HD is an IBM-DJSA-220.
> > 
> > Shultz
> I would probably upgrade your BIOS first, then
> perform
> the install. Will you be putting Win9x back on the
> new
> drive, or going to Win2K or XP? When I replaced mine
> I
> think FDISK only saw the 8gb or so. I used EZBIOS to
> get past the 8gb limitation and Partition Magic to
> sort
> out the hibernation space. Try the BIOS upgrade
> first,
> then try to FDISK again. That might solve part of
> your
> problem.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!
> --------------------  11  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 09:16:39 -0500
> From: "Lines, Nick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: 100CT overclocking (again)
> I'm trying to find a definitive answer on
> overclocking
> the 100CT, as I'm confused.  This is a fairly
> natural
> state for me to be in. :-)
> 200MHz seems rock stable on all machines, 233MHz
> seems
> like a good option but is a swine to do and 266MHz
> is
> not without risk.
> However, how do I overclock.
> I've looked at David's site and looked at his
> picture,
> but then the text lower down on the site says
> something
> else to what's in the picture.
> Dr Xin's page is good, but looks different again,
> saying
> that I have to remove a resistor for 200MHz.
> And finally, this Swiss page says something
> different
> again.
> Before I blow things up, what's the "right" way to
> get
> 200MHz, or should I just try 266MHz?
> And is there an easy way to get 233?
> Thanks,
> Nick.
> --------------------  12  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 22:17:39 +0800
> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> At 07:05 AM 1/05/2002 -0700, you wrote:
> >Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 09:01:09 -0500
> >Subject: win2k source directory
> >
> >The source directory for win2k install off the CD
> is i386, not winnt. That
> >is the destination install default directory.
> *hits self* How the heck did I miss that ... hehe
> If you're copying it across under DOS, remember to
> use xcopy and not copy 
> (to catch the subdirectories as well).
> - Raymond
> ---
> |                 | "Does fuzzy logic tickle?"      
>          |
> |   ___           | "My HDD has no reverse. How do I
> backup?" |
> |  /__/          
> +-------------------------------------------|
> | /  \ a y b o t  |          [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>          |
> |                 |          HTTP://  
>          |
> | ICQ: 31756092   |   Need help? Visit #Windows98 on
> DALNet!  |
> --------------------  13  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 16:38:24 +0200
> From: "Gennadiy Tsygan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Re[2]: [LIB] li-ion cells
> II posted on Monday that cells did not fit. I even
> removed jackets form the
> cells and did a little bit of filing in the battery
> case. If somebody will be
> more creative, please post your experience.
> |
> |> I have not tried to put 18x64 mm cells in the
> battery because I only have
> |5 of
> |> them, but 17 mm seemed a tight fit. There is
> sticky tap in my battery, but
> |it
> |> is not foamy and very thin. I will try to replace
> the cells just to see if
> |they
> |
> |Great!! It'll be interesting to know if they can
> work.
> |
> --------------------  14  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 08:29:04 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] 100CT overclocking (again)
> "Lines, Nick" wrote
> > 
> > Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 09:16:39 -0500
> > From: "Lines, Nick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: 100CT overclocking (again)
> > 
> > I'm trying to find a definitive answer on
> overclocking
> > the 100CT, as I'm confused.  This is a fairly
> natural
> > state for me to be in. :-)
> > 
> > 200MHz seems rock stable on all machines, 233MHz
> seems
> > like a good option but is a swine to do and 266MHz
> is
> > not without risk.
> > 
> > However, how do I overclock.
> > 
> > I've looked at David's site and looked at his
> picture,
> > but then the text lower down on the site says
> something
> > else to what's in the picture.
> > 
> > Dr Xin's page is good, but looks different again,
> saying
> > that I have to remove a resistor for 200MHz.
> > 
> > And finally, this Swiss page says something
> different
> > again.
> >
> > 
> > Before I blow things up, what's the "right" way to
> get
> > 200MHz, or should I just try 266MHz?
> > 
> > And is there an easy way to get 233?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Nick.
> > 
> I used Xin's instructions on his page to OC my L100
> from 166 to 266 with no problems. Pretty delicate
> procedure though, very small and precise soldering
> is
> required. DO NOT use any soldering iron stronger
> than
> 15W, otherwise you run a risk of damaging some of
> the
> nearby resistors due to the excessive heat. Been a
> while since I looked at the 233 procedure though, so
> I
> cannot comment on that. I suppose if you wanted to
> you
> could send it to Xin to do, as he does perform the
> service. I think right now if you send it to him for
> his new PS2 port solution, he will do the OC at no
> charge.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!
> --------------------  15  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 11:15:06 -0700
> From: "Jason/Dynamism" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> There is no doubt that Dynamism is not the cheapest
> option, but we do
> offer more value for your money.  We offer toll-free
> tech support.  We
> maintain offices in the United States, and in
> Japan--we are not a
> one-guy shop that could go on hiatus when someone
> takes vacation or
> wants a career change.  We have the earliest and
> most far-reaching
> access to products.  We take all major credit cards,
> do leasing, accept
> purchase orders from major corporations, and offer
> local bank payment in
> more than thirty countries.  With four uninterrupted
> years of growth, we
> are the most acclaimed worldwide source for Japanese
> notebooks and
> electronics.  We are fixated on offering extreme
> customer service.  And,
> we value everyone's business--customers and
> potential customers.  
> We believe we have a track record of unmatched
> reliability and customer
> service, and we work hard every day to fulfill our
> and our customers'
> expectations.  So, we don't want to lose your
> business on a price basis
> alone.  If you are in the market to purchase a
> Libretto, or other
> Japanese notebook, please contact us to let us know
> what you are looking
> for, and what options you are looking at.  We will
> do our best to earn
> your business.
> Thank you,
> Jason / Dynamism Sales
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Seiden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 9:31 AM
> To: Libretto
> Subject: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 09:28:57 -0700
> From: Daniel Seiden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> Hello 
>    From what I have heard they offer very good
> service. I have a
>    friend who purchased a unit from them and has
> been very happy with
>    the service and support that he has received.
>    I personally would rather get it directly from
> Japan and work on it
>    myself. :-)
> Dan
> PW> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:22:34 -0400
> PW> From: Pres Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PW> Subject: Re: Re[2]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> PW> I spoke with Dynamism yesterday, and although
> they do NOT accept the
> Toshiba
> PW> FDC settlement freecard, they do offer a
> courtesy discount up to
> $200 if you
> PW> have one. Since they are absorbing this, I think
> it is a nice
> gesture and
> PW> well worth a strong consideration.
> PW> Thanks
> PW> Pres Waterman W2PW
> PW> c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
> PW> Long Island Ford and Kia dealer
> PW> Dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!
> PW> ©¿©
> PW>
> PW> - Libretto mailing
> list
> PW> - Archives
> PW>                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> PW> Reply to any of the list messages. The reply
> mail should be
> PW> addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then
> replace any text
> PW> on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
> PW>               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE
> DIGEST------
> PW> Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> PW>
> Daniel Seiden
> Internet Services -
> Dan's Digital Images -
> Digital Photo Chat -
> - Libretto mailing
> list
> - Archives
>                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> Reply to any of the list messages. The reply mail
> should be
> addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then replace
> any text
> on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
>               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST------
> Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> --------------------  16  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 12:40:50 -0400
> From: "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> Jason as a purchaser of a Libretto 1100v from you, I
> must say that I for one
> feel let down. I don't know if your support of the
> 1100v is typical of your
> support, but I must say it was a lot less than what
> I had hoped for.
> David
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jason/Dynamism" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 12:20 PM
> Subject: RE: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 11:15:06 -0700
> From: "Jason/Dynamism" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> There is no doubt that Dynamism is not the cheapest
> option, but we do
> offer more value for your money.  We offer toll-free
> tech support.  We
> maintain offices in the United States, and in
> Japan--we are not a
> one-guy shop that could go on hiatus when someone
> takes vacation or
> wants a career change.  We have the earliest and
> most far-reaching
> access to products.  We take all major credit cards,
> do leasing, accept
> purchase orders from major corporations, and offer
> local bank payment in
> more than thirty countries.  With four uninterrupted
> years of growth, we
> are the most acclaimed worldwide source for Japanese
> notebooks and
> electronics.  We are fixated on offering extreme
> customer service.  And,
> we value everyone's business--customers and
> potential customers.
> We believe we have a track record of unmatched
> reliability and customer
> service, and we work hard every day to fulfill our
> and our customers'
> expectations.  So, we don't want to lose your
> business on a price basis
> alone.  If you are in the market to purchase a
> Libretto, or other
> Japanese notebook, please contact us to let us know
> what you are looking
> for, and what options you are looking at.  We will
> do our best to earn
> your business.
> Thank you,
> Jason / Dynamism Sales
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Seiden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 9:31 AM
> To: Libretto
> Subject: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 09:28:57 -0700
> From: Daniel Seiden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re[4]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> Hello
>    From what I have heard they offer very good
> service. I have a
>    friend who purchased a unit from them and has
> been very happy with
>    the service and support that he has received.
>    I personally would rather get it directly from
> Japan and work on it
>    myself. :-)
> Dan
> PW> Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 11:22:34 -0400
> PW> From: Pres Waterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> PW> Subject: Re: Re[2]: [LIB] New Libretto L5
> PW> I spoke with Dynamism yesterday, and although
> they do NOT accept the
> Toshiba
> PW> FDC settlement freecard, they do offer a
> courtesy discount up to
> $200 if you
> PW> have one. Since they are absorbing this, I think
> it is a nice
> gesture and
> PW> well worth a strong consideration.
> PW> Thanks
> PW> Pres Waterman W2PW
> PW> c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc.
> PW> Long Island Ford and Kia dealer
> PW> Dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!
> PW> ©¿©
> PW>
> PW> - Libretto mailing
> list
> PW> - Archives
> PW>                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> PW> Reply to any of the list messages. The reply
> mail should be
> PW> addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then
> replace any text
> PW> on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
> PW>               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE
> DIGEST------
> PW> Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> PW>
> Daniel Seiden
> Internet Services -
> Dan's Digital Images -
> Digital Photo Chat -
> - Libretto mailing
> list
> - Archives
>                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> Reply to any of the list messages. The reply mail
> should be
> addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then replace
> any text
> on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
>               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST------
> Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> - Libretto mailing
> list
> - Archives
>                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> Reply to any of the list messages. The reply mail
> should be
> addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then replace
> any text
> on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
>               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST------
> Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> --------------------  17  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 01:42:08 +0700
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> > The source directory for win2k install off the CD
> is i386, not winnt.
> Ooooops! - I was the source of that misinformation -
> sorry!
> So, yes i386. Thanks, Konrad, and apologies to all.
> FWIW, the answer I couldn't give previously:-
> Size: 289 MB (303,681,964 bytes)
> Size on disk: 301 MB (315,768,832 bytes)
> --------------------  18  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 19:05:12 +0000
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> >From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >Play it safe, get an overlay program and do it
> properly.
> Does David, or someone else, still have a link
> posted to the proper version 
> of EZDrive with EZBios (9.09?) that a lot of us have
> used?  It took him a 
> while to track down a copy, and might not be easy
> for someone setting up a > 
> 8MB HDD these days to find.
> Matt (Shel)
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> --------------------  19  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:21:13 -0700
> From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> - crud,
> the link there doesn't work
> :-/
> Note from that page:
> "Among the many overlay programs, -- all are free
> from major hard drive
> manufacturers, I've found the EZMaker from Western
> Digital is the only one
> that's fully compatible to all versions of Windows,
> including
> Win95/98/SE/Me/NT/2000.  But, it refuses to install
> if it cannot see a WD or IBM
> drive around. .  In order to make your life easier,
> buy a IBM drive instead of
> Toshiba. Otherwise, you have to mount the drive to a
> desktop that has a WD or
> IBM drive to install EZMaker. "
> Archives:
> Dave's Adorable site used to have it at 
>  -
> doesn't work now :-/
> I guess we'd better find a new copy somewhere and
> have someone host it.
> Matthew Hanson wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 19:05:12 +0000
> > From: "Matthew Hanson"
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> >
> > >From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >Play it safe, get an overlay program and do it
> properly.
> >
> > Does David, or someone else, still have a link
> posted to the proper version
> > of EZDrive with EZBios (9.09?) that a lot of us
> have used?  It took him a
> > while to track down a copy, and might not be easy
> for someone setting up a >
> > 8MB HDD these days to find.
> >
> > Matt (Shel)
> >
> >
> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> >
> >
> > - Libretto mailing
> list
> > - Archives
> >
> >                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> > Reply to any of the list messages. The reply mail
> should be
> > addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then
> replace any text
> > on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
> >               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST------
> > Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> >
> --
> | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems
> | iPlanet Support -
> | Please do not associate my personal views with my
> employer
> --------------------  20  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:25:22 -0700
> From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> Interesting, mine reports 289MB with 295MB on disk.
> I looked at the i386 directory, and the only
> executables I see are:
> Which is the "setup" executable to install?  It
> looks like I might need the
> SETUP.EXE from the root dir of the CD.  Do I need
> any of the other root dir
> files?
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 01:42:08 +0700
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> >
> > > The source directory for win2k install off the
> CD is i386, not winnt.
> >
> > Ooooops! - I was the source of that misinformation
> - sorry!
> > So, yes i386. Thanks, Konrad, and apologies to
> all.
> >
> > FWIW, the answer I couldn't give previously:-
> > Size: 289 MB (303,681,964 bytes)
> > Size on disk: 301 MB (315,768,832 bytes)
> --
> | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems
> | iPlanet Support -
> | Please do not associate my personal views with my
> employer
> --------------------  21  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 02:45:02 +0700
> Subject: overlay programs  [LIB]
> I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD L100/L110
> scenario, if you're going
> to run Win'2K as your one and only OS - are these
> overlay programs totally
> redundant? And if not, what purpose would they serve
> in such a scenario?
> --------------------  22  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:46:20 -0400
> From: "Lawrence Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> If memory serves me right, you should run WINNT.EXE
> under dos and
> WINNT32.EXE under windows.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tom Stangl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 3:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:25:22 -0700
> > From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> >
> > Interesting, mine reports 289MB with 295MB on
> disk.
> >
> > I looked at the i386 directory, and the only
> executables I see are:
> >
> > Which is the "setup" executable to install?  It
> looks like I might need
> the
> > SETUP.EXE from the root dir of the CD.  Do I need
> any of the other root
> dir
> > files?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 01:42:08 +0700
> > > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> > >
> > > > The source directory for win2k install off the
> CD is i386, not winnt.
> > >
> > > Ooooops! - I was the source of that
> misinformation - sorry!
> > > So, yes i386. Thanks, Konrad, and apologies to
> all.
> > >
> > > FWIW, the answer I couldn't give previously:-
> > > Size: 289 MB (303,681,964 bytes)
> > > Size on disk: 301 MB (315,768,832 bytes)
> >
> > --
> > | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems
> > | iPlanet Support -
> >
> > | Please do not associate my personal views with
> my employer
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - Libretto mailing
> list
> > - Archives
> >
> >                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> > Reply to any of the list messages. The reply mail
> should be
> > addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then
> replace any text
> > on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
> >               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST------
> > Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> >
> >
> >
> --------------------  23  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:53:22 -0700
> From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> OK, I loaded Fixup using IE because the formatting
> SUCKED for Communicator, and it
> wouldn't let me access the download in IE.  But it
> loaded fine in Communicator.
>    - this is the
> EZBios image
> - here's where
> you get WinImage to create a floppy
> from the EZBios image.
> Remember, this will only work with WD and IBM
> drives, so if you don't have a Travelstar
> HD, you'll need to use EZBios on a desktop with a WD
> or IBM drive to get it to work
> (according to Xin's page).
> Tom Stangl wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:21:13 -0700
> > From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> crud, the link there doesn't work
> > :-/
> >
> > Note from that page:
> > "Among the many overlay programs, -- all are free
> from major hard drive
> > manufacturers, I've found the EZMaker from Western
> Digital is the only one
> > that's fully compatible to all versions of
> Windows, including
> > Win95/98/SE/Me/NT/2000.  But, it refuses to
> install if it cannot see a WD or IBM
> > drive around. .  In order to make your life
> easier, buy a IBM drive instead of
> > Toshiba. Otherwise, you have to mount the drive to
> a desktop that has a WD or
> > IBM drive to install EZMaker. "
> >
> > Archives:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dave's Adorable site used to have it at 
>  -
> > doesn't work now :-/
> >
> > I guess we'd better find a new copy somewhere and
> have someone host it.
> >
> > Matthew Hanson wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 19:05:12 +0000
> > > From: "Matthew Hanson"
> > > Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> > >
> > > >From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >
> > > >Play it safe, get an overlay program and do it
> properly.
> > >
> > > Does David, or someone else, still have a link
> posted to the proper version
> > > of EZDrive with EZBios (9.09?) that a lot of us
> have used?  It took him a
> > > while to track down a copy, and might not be
> easy for someone setting up a >
> > > 8MB HDD these days to find.
> > >
> > > Matt (Shel)
> --
> | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems
> | iPlanet Support -
> | Please do not associate my personal views with my
> employer
> --------------------  24  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:56:33 -0700
> From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> They are redundant if you are ONLY going to run
> Win2K.  If you are going to
> dualboot with Win95/98, you'll need them.
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 02:45:02 +0700
> > Subject: overlay programs  [LIB]
> >
> > I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD L100/L110
> scenario, if you're going
> > to run Win'2K as your one and only OS - are these
> overlay programs totally
> > redundant? And if not, what purpose would they
> serve in such a scenario?
> --
> | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems
> | iPlanet Support -
> | Please do not associate my personal views with my
> employer
> --------------------  25  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 20:50:28 +0100 (GMT/BST)
> From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> > >
> > >I measured the hibernation start as 8,373,335,040
> on my 100CT, but the
> > >BIOS may be holding back a little more for some
> reason. Probably rounding
> > >to the nearest cylinder boundry according the the
> mapped geometry
> > >(multiple of 16065 sectors). Of course aligning
> to virtual cylinder
> > >boundries is completely pointless, but that is
> Microsoft for you..
> > 
> > Why do we keep talking about the 8GB boundary? Its
> the 1024 cylinder 
> > boundary, it just so happens that most of the
> drives have the same number 
> > of bytes per cylinder. Problem is you'll get
> bitten if you come across some 
> > other drive with a different config that you're
> not aware of. Much safer 
> > IMHO to just partition based on the cylinders (use
> Linux FDISK/CFDISK or 
> > *gasp* Partition Magic if you want). Note that
> cylinder 1024 isn't the 
> > limit of where you want to partition, its more
> like cylinder 1013 
> > (remember, the libretto can only SEE up to 1024
> natively so it'll shove its 
> > hibernation junk just before it). Perhaps a search
> of this list for the 
> > numbers 1013 and 1014 will turn up some more info
> ...
> Not really. The DJSA-220 has a physical geometry of
> 16 heads and 63
> sectors/track. A 1024 cylinder limit would cut you
> off at at around
> 500MB.
> To get around this, the BIOS uses a 'mapped'
> geometry of 255 heads,
> 63 sectors per track and 1024 cylinders - the limit
> imposed on
> all three quantities by the original IDE hardware
> interface.
> Thus the BIOS limit is 1024x255x63x512 =
> 8,422,686,720 regardless
> of the geometry of the drive. In the case of the
> DJSA-220 this
> gives access to the first 16383 cylinders out of a
> total of 38760.
> The drive actually has '16383 cylinders' printed on
> the label, indicating
> what the BIOS will see.
> > >You don't have to reserve space for the
> hibernation partion if using
> > >windows FDISK. It gets the drive size from the
> BIOS, which automatically
> > >subtracts what it needs.
> > 
> > 
> > Definitely not if you're using an overlay,
> otherwise I've had weird 
> > problems with that on my 20 gig drive. I think its
> a combination of the 
> > fact that booted into a DOS boot disk without
> overlay only sees 8 gig and 
> > the fact that the Libby's BIOS by itself only
> seeing 1024 cylinders then 
> > trying to figure out what to do with hibernation.
> Play it safe, do it 
> > properly.
> You can't do it properly without fixing the BIOS.
> Anything else is
> a kludge, and can't be more than an educated guess
> which you need to
> confirm by forcing a hibernate and confirming that
> it goes where you
> expected....
> What I was refering to was booting using booting the
> W95
> that came with the machine and using the supplied
> FDISK. Not overlay,
> no third party tools, no alternate operating system.
> It then appears
> to treats it like an 8GB drive and leaves the
> hibernation space that
> would be appropriate for that circumstance.
> I have never used an overlay, because there is no
> way I would want to
> waste more the 8GB on Windows.
> > >That is the advantage of doing the FDISK on
> > >the Libretto rather than on a desktop. In fact it
> reserves 64M for
> > >hibernation, and an additional 12GB out of
> stupidity.
> > 
> > Heh .. there's Windows for you. I just use Windows
> FDISK to create a 6 gig 
> > partition (ie. well away from the hibernation
> partition, assuming 1024 
> > cylinders is around 8 gig) then use Partition
> Magic or Linux FDISK/CFDISK 
> > to do the exact partitioning around the
> hibernation area (where you can see 
> > and/or work in terms of cylinders).
> Or at least in multiples of 16065 sectors - not
> really cylinders.
> > >The point where you have to be careful is when
> you use a more powerful
> > >os which knows about the entire disk to allocate
> the space on the
> > >other side of the hibernation area.
> > 
> > Umm ... you've lost me. My install of Win98SE on
> my libby can see the 
> > partition that goes from the 18 gig to the 20 gig
> mark on my hard drive ...
> >
> I mean DOS FDISK lets you partition up to 8GB minus
> a bit. You can then use
> Linux FDISK etc to partition from the other side of
> the hibernation
> area (8GB plus a bit) to the end of the disk.
> In practice. having identified the where the BIOS
> thinks the disk
> ends, you probably want re-partition on both sides
> of the hibernation
> area.
> In my case, having used the second fdisk partition
> to determine the
> end of the disk as far as the BIOS is concerned, I
> booted Linux,
> removed the second partition and then created two
> more primary partitions
> within the 8GB area, and an extended partiton that
> went to the end of
> the disk. Then create logical drives, one of which
> straddles the hibernation
> area.
> > >Don't know about the 1137MB limit. Did you enable
> support for large
> > >disks when starting FDISK?
> > 
> > 1137MB limit? Where did that come from? I'm
> intrigued ...
> > 
> I see you found the reference in the original post.
> Regards,
> DigbyT
> -- 
> Digby R. S. Tarvin                                  
>            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --------------------  26  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:57:56 -0700
> From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> Well, since I have an IBM Microdrive along with all
> my CF cards, I just copied
> the entire CD over, and will drop it into a Win2K-CD
> directory on the 8Gig
> partition for the install.  That way, I ALWAYS have
> all the files accessible.
> Lawrence Young wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:46:20 -0400
> > From: "Lawrence Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> >
> > If memory serves me right, you should run
> WINNT.EXE under dos and
> > WINNT32.EXE under windows.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Tom Stangl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 3:31 PM
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> >
> > > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:25:22 -0700
> > > From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> > >
> > > Interesting, mine reports 289MB with 295MB on
> disk.
> > >
> > > I looked at the i386 directory, and the only
> executables I see are:
> > > NTSD.EXE
> > > WINNT32.EXE
> > >
> > > Which is the "setup" executable to install?  It
> looks like I might need
> > the
> > > SETUP.EXE from the root dir of the CD.  Do I
> need any of the other root
> > dir
> > > files?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 01:42:08 +0700
> > > > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> > > >
> > > > > The source directory for win2k install off
> the CD is i386, not winnt.
> > > >
> > > > Ooooops! - I was the source of that
> misinformation - sorry!
> > > > So, yes i386. Thanks, Konrad, and apologies to
> all.
> > > >
> > > > FWIW, the answer I couldn't give previously:-
> > > > Size: 289 MB (303,681,964 bytes)
> > > > Size on disk: 301 MB (315,768,832 bytes)
> --
> | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems
> | iPlanet Support -
> | Please do not associate my personal views with my
> employer
> --------------------  27  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 12:58:11 -0700
> From: "Eamon Ho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [LIB] win2k source directory
> Winnt.exe will start the install, it helps a LOT to
> run smartdrv before
> you do it though.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Stangl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 12:31 PM
> To: Libretto
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:25:22 -0700
> From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> Interesting, mine reports 289MB with 295MB on disk.
> I looked at the i386 directory, and the only
> executables I see are:
> Which is the "setup" executable to install?  It
> looks like I might need
> the SETUP.EXE from the root dir of the CD.  Do I
> need any of the other
> root dir files?
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 01:42:08 +0700
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> >
> > > The source directory for win2k install off the
> CD is i386, not 
> > > winnt.
> >
> > Ooooops! - I was the source of that misinformation
> - sorry! So, yes 
> > i386. Thanks, Konrad, and apologies to all.
> >
> > FWIW, the answer I couldn't give previously:-
> > Size: 289 MB (303,681,964 bytes)
> > Size on disk: 301 MB (315,768,832 bytes)
> --
> | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems 
> | iPlanet Support -
> | Please do not associate my personal views with my
> employer
> - Libretto mailing
> list
> - Archives
>                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> Reply to any of the list messages. The reply mail
> should be addressed
> to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then replace any text
> on the message's
> subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
>               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST------
> Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> --------------------  28  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 16:02:45 EDT
> Subject: WD EZ-Drive Generic Version
> This EZ-Drive 9.09 download may be the version David
> (Adorable Libretto page) 
> posted.  I have not used it, so cannot verify. 
> Found it in a Google search 
> before David posted his copy.
>  <A
> here: Adam's 
> File Page</A> 
> Lee
> --------------------  29  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 03:14:18 +0700
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> > Interesting, mine reports 289MB with 295MB on
> disk.
> My "on disk" is on a 7.77GB FAT32 partition on my
> 30GB Fujitsu.
> 5307 files, 92 folders.
> > I looked at the i386 directory, and the only
> executables I see are:
> >
> > Which is the "setup" executable to install?  It
> looks like I might need
> the
> > SETUP.EXE from the root dir of the CD.  Do I need
> any of the other root
> dir
> > files?
> I copied nothing other than that one directory and
> everything within it.
> WINNT.EXE did the deed for me, first time, without a
> single hitch.
> --------------------  30  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 03:20:01 +0700
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> >> I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD L100/L110
> scenario, if you're
> going
> >> to run Win'2K as your one and only OS - are these
> overlay programs
> totally
> >> redundant? And if not, what purpose would they
> serve in such a scenario?
> >
> > They are redundant if you are ONLY going to run
> Win2K.
> > If you are going to dualboot with Win95/98, you'll
> need them.
> One more, again for no reason other than idle
> curiosity - what are the
> typical / most likely scenarios now where Win'95
> and/or Win'98 are
> preferrable to Win'2K on an L100/L110 with 64MB and
> a 20/30/40GB HDD?
> --------------------  31  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 13:38:19 -0700
> From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> Ya got me ;-)
>  Maybe for paranoid freaks that want to be able to
> boot to Win98 if Win2K dies
> (oh wait, I'm normally one of those paranoid freaks,
> I always partition 2Gig
> FAT for Win95/98 so I can boot to DOS if necessary).
> But for these large drives, booting to Win95/98
> without an overlay is a REALLY
> bad idea.
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 03:20:01 +0700
> > Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> >
> > >> I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD
> L100/L110 scenario, if you're
> > going
> > >> to run Win'2K as your one and only OS - are
> these overlay programs
> > totally
> > >> redundant? And if not, what purpose would they
> serve in such a scenario?
> > >
> > > They are redundant if you are ONLY going to run
> Win2K.
> > > If you are going to dualboot with Win95/98,
> you'll need them.
> >
> > One more, again for no reason other than idle
> curiosity - what are the
> > typical / most likely scenarios now where Win'95
> and/or Win'98 are
> > preferrable to Win'2K on an L100/L110 with 64MB
> and a 20/30/40GB HDD?
> --
> | Tom Stangl, Sun ONE Internet Technical Support,
> Sun Microsystems
> | iPlanet Support -
> | Please do not associate my personal views with my
> employer
> --------------------  32  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 14:04:55 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> "Matthew Hanson" wrote
> > 
> > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 19:05:12 +0000
> > From: "Matthew Hanson"
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> > 
> > >From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >Play it safe, get an overlay program and do it
> properly.
> > 
> > Does David, or someone else, still have a link
> posted
> to the proper version 
> > of EZDrive with EZBios (9.09?) that a lot of us
> have
> used?  It took him a 
> > while to track down a copy, and might not be easy
> for
> someone setting up a > 
> > 8MB HDD these days to find.
> > 
> > Matt (Shel)
> > 
> I have a copy on my HDD, I can email it to someone
> if
> they can take the size, or upload it to someone if
> they
> can host it. Unfortunately I do not have the
> capability
> to host it myself. Don't remember offhand just how
> large it is, I think around 1mb or so.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!
> --------------------  33  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 14:12:57 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> > 
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 02:45:02 +0700
> > Subject: overlay programs  [LIB]
> > 
> > I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD L100/L110
> scenario, if you're going
> > to run Win'2K as your one and only OS - are these
> overlay programs totally
> > redundant? And if not, what purpose would they
> serve
> in such a scenario?
> > 
> Primarily, I think you would have problems if you
> had a
> total system crash and had to reboot from DOS to fix
> it. At that point you could only see the 8gb, and if
> the files you needed to fix whatever problem you had
> were beyond that, they would be inaccessible. With
> the
> overlay running, you could still access all your
> other
> partitions in DOS. This is the only circumstance
> that
> immediately comes to mind.
> Kevin
> -------------------------------------------------
> Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!
> --------------------  34  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 14:17:56 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> Tom Stangl wrote
> > 
> > Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 12:53:22 -0700
> > From: Tom Stangl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> > 
> > OK, I loaded Fixup using IE because the formatting
> SUCKED for Communicator, and it
> > wouldn't let me access the download in IE.  But it
> loaded fine in Communicator.
> > 
> >
> > 
> >    - this is the
> EZBios image
> > - here's
> where
> you get WinImage to create a floppy
> > from the EZBios image.
> > 
> > Remember, this will only work with WD and IBM
> drives,
> so if you don't have a Travelstar
> > HD, you'll need to use EZBios on a desktop with a
> WD
> or IBM drive to get it to work
> > (according to Xin's page).
> > 
> The problem I ran into was that the newer version of
> EZBIOS on Xins site would not recognize my IBM, and
> thus would not install. It was not until I found the
> v9.09 that I finally got it to work. Something to do
> with the newer Travelstar drives, primarily the ones
> larger than 20gb.
> Kevin
> -------------------------------------------------
> Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!
> --------------------  35  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 14:26:15 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> > 
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 03:20:01 +0700
> > Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> > 
> > >> I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD
> L100/L110
> scenario, if you're
> > going
> > >> to run Win'2K as your one and only OS - are
> these
> overlay programs
> > totally
> > >> redundant? And if not, what purpose would they
> serve in such a scenario?
> > >
> > > They are redundant if you are ONLY going to run
> Win2K.
> > > If you are going to dualboot with Win95/98,
> you'll
> need them.
> > 
> > One more, again for no reason other than idle
> curiosity - what are the
> > typical / most likely scenarios now where Win'95
> and/or Win'98 are
> > preferrable to Win'2K on an L100/L110 with 64MB
> and a
> 20/30/40GB HDD?
> > 
> The only reason I have Win95 on mine is to run some
> older programs I still use that will not run under
> Win2K, and to still use the IR port the way it was
> intended to be used. I can only fully backup or sync
> my
> PDA under Win95, as IR transfer does not work with
> it
> under Win2K. I also have a Canon BJC-80 IR printer
> that
> I drag around on long trips from time to time, and I
> can only print to it under Win95 using IR, it will
> not
> work under Win2K, and Canon claims it not compatible
> with Win2K for IR printing only. Thos are the main
> reasons. Eventually I will no longer need some of
> these
> older programs and will do away with the Win95
> partition, and go to a strict Win2K setup.
> Regards,
> Kevin
> -------------------------------------------------
> Get your free @Elvis e-mail account at!
> --------------------  36  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 21:58:53 +0000
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] fdisk cannot partition 8.4gb
> >From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >I have a copy on my HDD, I can email it to someone
> if
> >they can take the size, or upload it to someone if
> they
> >can host it. Unfortunately I do not have the
> capability
> >to host it myself. Don't remember offhand just how
> >large it is, I think around 1mb or so.
> I guess drCursor has given up on us.  Would be a
> great service for him to 
> archive it on his site.
> Matt (Shel)
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> --------------------  37  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 05:16:34 +0700
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> > Ya got me ;-)
> >
> > Maybe for paranoid freaks that want to be able to
> boot to Win98 if
> > Win2K dies (oh wait, I'm normally one of those
> paranoid freaks,
> > I always partition 2Gig FAT for Win95/98 so I can
> boot to DOS if
> > necessary).
> I'm the same, hence I've still got my intact
> Win'98/4.3GB HDD - but apart
> from going back to retrieve my e-mail rules from the
> registry, I've never
> needed it.
> My boot-to-DOS option is as follows:-
> Start || Settings || Control Panel || System
> System Properties || Advanced || Startup and
> Recovery
> System startup
> -- Default operating system = [Microsoft Windows
> 2000 Pro..." /fastdetect]
> -- Display List of operating systems for: =
> [checked] seconds: = [2]
> So when I boot, I get the option (just for 2
> seconds) to intervene, before
> it proceeds with Win'2K automatically.
> If I take the Win'98 option...  because I don't have
> Win'98 installed...  it
> boots instantaneously to a fully-functional DOS
> prompt (although I've never
> actually needed it).
> And of course I can boot to DOS from a floppy too...
> > I always partition 2Gig FAT for Win95/98 so I can
> boot to DOS if
> > necessary).
> You mean 2Gig Fat16?
> My first 8GB is Fat32...  DOS appears to see that no
> problem (in fact, it
> sees all the partitions - ie the entire 30GB) -
> could I have some problem
> with that on the first (8GB) partition?
> Is the FAT16 strategy safer/better for some reason?
> --------------------  38  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 05:21:40 +0700
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> >> I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD L100/L110
> >> scenario, if you're going to run Win'2K as your
> one
> >> and only OS - are these overlay programs totally
> >> redundant? And if not, what purpose would they
> serve
> >> in such a scenario?
> >
> > Primarily, I think you would have problems if you
> had
> > a total system crash and had to reboot from DOS to
> fix
> > it. At that point you could only see the 8gb, and
> if
> > the files you needed to fix whatever problem you
> had
> > were beyond that, they would be inaccessible. With
> the
> > overlay running, you could still access all your
> other
> > partitions in DOS. This is the only circumstance
> that
> > immediately comes to mind.
> Sounds to me like the overlay thing itself is
> introducing
> a significant level of FUD and increasing the
> chances that
> you're going to have the problems in the first
> place...
> Wouldn't it be a lot simpler/safer/reliable just to
> keep
> all the troubleshooting/recovery stuff in the first
> 8GB
> than to do the overlay thing?
> --------------------  39  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 05:21:47 +0700
> Subject: Re: [LIB] win2k source directory
> > Winnt.exe will start the install, it helps a LOT
> to run smartdrv before
> > you do it though.
> Just curious(!!!)...  why?
> --------------------  40  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 20:27:14 -0400
> From: "Gennadiy Tsygan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> I have XP and I installed Recovery Console, which
> allows to boot into
> command prompt even on NTFS partition. I have FAT32,
> so I can use boot
> floppy too.
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 6:10 PM
> Subject: Re: overlay programs [LIB]
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 05:16:34 +0700
> > Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> >
> > > Ya got me ;-)
> > >
> > > Maybe for paranoid freaks that want to be able
> to boot to Win98 if
> > > Win2K dies (oh wait, I'm normally one of those
> paranoid freaks,
> > > I always partition 2Gig FAT for Win95/98 so I
> can boot to DOS if
> > > necessary).
> >
> > I'm the same, hence I've still got my intact
> Win'98/4.3GB HDD - but apart
> > from going back to retrieve my e-mail rules from
> the registry, I've never
> > needed it.
> >
> > My boot-to-DOS option is as follows:-
> >
> > Start || Settings || Control Panel || System
> > System Properties || Advanced || Startup and
> Recovery
> > System startup
> > -- Default operating system = [Microsoft Windows
> 2000 Pro..." /fastdetect]
> > -- Display List of operating systems for: =
> [checked] seconds: = [2]
> >
> > So when I boot, I get the option (just for 2
> seconds) to intervene, before
> > it proceeds with Win'2K automatically.
> > If I take the Win'98 option...  because I don't
> have Win'98 installed...
> it
> > boots instantaneously to a fully-functional DOS
> prompt (although I've
> never
> > actually needed it).
> > And of course I can boot to DOS from a floppy
> too...
> >
> > > I always partition 2Gig FAT for Win95/98 so I
> can boot to DOS if
> > > necessary).
> >
> > You mean 2Gig Fat16?
> > My first 8GB is Fat32...  DOS appears to see that
> no problem (in fact, it
> > sees all the partitions - ie the entire 30GB) -
> could I have some problem
> > with that on the first (8GB) partition?
> > Is the FAT16 strategy safer/better for some
> reason?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > - Libretto mailing
> list
> > - Archives
> >
> >                  -------TO UNSUBSCRIBE-------
> > Reply to any of the list messages. The reply mail
> should be
> > addressed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Then
> replace any text
> > on the message's subject line: cmd:unsubscribe
> >               --------TO UNSUBSCRIBE DIGEST------
> > Do above but with this on subject line:
> cmd:unsubscribe digest
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --------------------  41  --------------------
> Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 19:23:25 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> > 
> > Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 05:21:40 +0700
> > Subject: Re: overlay programs  [LIB]
> > 
> > >> I'm just curious - in a 20/30/40GB HDD
> L100/L110
> > >> scenario, if you're going to run Win'2K as your
> one
> > >> and only OS - are these overlay programs
> totally
> > >> redundant? And if not, what purpose would they
> serve
> > >> in such a scenario?
> > >
> > > Primarily, I think you would have problems if
> you
> had
> > > a total system crash and had to reboot from DOS
> to
> fix
> > > it. At that point you could only see the 8gb,
> and if
> > > the files you needed to fix whatever problem you
> had
> > > were beyond that, they would be inaccessible.
> With
> the
> > > overlay running, you could still access all your
> other
> > > partitions in DOS. This is the only circumstance
> that
> > > immediately comes to mind.
> > 
> > Sounds to me like the overlay thing itself is
> introducing
> > a significant level of FUD and increasing the
> chances
> that
> > you're going to have the problems in the first
> place...
> > 
> > Wouldn't it be a lot simpler/safer/reliable just
> to
> keep
> > all the troubleshooting/recovery stuff in the
> first
> 8GB
> > than to do the overlay thing?
> Ultimately, I would think that would be fine in a
> strict Win2K install, since Win2K has no problems
> seeing the entire drive. Over time as the drive gets
> used, becomes fragmented and I assume defragmented
> by
> any number of decent programs, some of the vital
> data
> may eventually migrate betond the 8gb boundary.
> Still,
> wouldn't really make a difference with Win2K since
> it
> does not have to be on a partition in the 8gb limit
> to
> boot, and I would assume that the boot partition
> would
> not be any larger than the 8gb anyway, and use the
> remainder for storage or program install for the
> less
> frequently used stuff.
> Perhaps make a seperate partition with your recovery
> info, and leave it static. Maybe even hide it, and
> then
> all you would need to do is unhide it and boot to
> DOS,
> and you are ready to restore, fix, whatever.
> I don't think I have heard of anyone having serious
> problems with a Win2K only setup and no drive
> overlay.
> I think a lot of people are so used to using them
> under
> Win9x that they go ahead and install it anyway. I
> have
> not done so, so I cannot say for certain that this
> is
> correct, but it would make sense.
> -------------------------------------------------
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> --------------------  42  --------------------
> Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 03:16:26 +0000
> From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: overlay programs [LIB]
> > > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > > Sounds to me like the overlay thing itself is
> introducing a > 
> >significant level of FUD and increasing the chances
> that you're > going to 
> >have the problems in the first place...
> > >
> > > Wouldn't it be a lot simpler/safer/reliable just
> to
> > > keep all the troubleshooting/recovery stuff in
> the first 8GB than > to 
> >do the overlay thing?
> >From: "Kevin McClelland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >I don't think I have heard of anyone having serious
> >problems with a Win2K only setup and no drive
> overlay.
> >I think a lot of people are so used to using them
> under
> >Win9x that they go ahead and install it anyway.
> Have I missed something (with me there's a good
> probability of these 
> things)?  Are there alternatives for seeing the
> whole > 8MB HDD for Win9.x 
> installations with Libs with this BIOS limitation?
> Matt (Shel)
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