I just want to put my few penning in too. I had my Outlook spoofed and it created major headaches for me. I got rid of Outlook immediately, and subsequently reinstalled my OS twice (Dell problems, don't ask). I have NO ONE in my address book save 5 or 6 people for the last 2 or 3 months, so I know it didn't come from me. I did receive the Powful tool stuff after I read about others getting it (hadn't checked my mail in a bit) and checked the source, saw the Israeli origin, and just today got the Vignette.
It does help to read this type of stuff, it is educational; we're not all as savvy as Neil and Ray and Mike and Pres and Chester. So, thanks guys, and please just grin and bear (bare?) it. R.
--- Renita Herrmann
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.