The 1.4 release cycle is officially finished. We encourage everyone
to use 1.5 (or development 1.5.0a), and to submit patches to fix any
On 30 Jul 2003, Scott James Remnant wrote:
> Subject line says is all really, I ask because I've cleaned up the
> Debian libtool 1.4 package and go
Subject line says is all really, I ask because I've cleaned up the
Debian libtool 1.4 package and got a small handful of patches which
could be useful if anyone forsees a libtool 1.4.4 coming up at any point
in the future.
If not no worries, a couple of these patches need to be applied to 1.5
I'm checking files from CVS and generating the autotools stuff using
the ./bootstrap script. My first attempt failed with automake 1.4-p6,
then I tried again with automake 1.7 and the result is that it works
with 1.7 but doesn't with 1.4-p6 or older.
So the note in ./bootstrap script should
gift-openft is using libtool 1.4.3. Works brilliantly. gift-gnutella,
however, seems to be using libtool 1.5a, and this does not work correctly
on my OpenBSD box.
When I attempt to build gift-gnutella on OpenBSD using these commands:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=$HOM