
Attempting to build glib-2.32.4, the "make check" stage, produces this result:

/path/to/src/glib-2.32.4/glib-2.32.4/gobject/tests/.libs/boxed: symbol lookup 
error: /path/to/glib-2.32.4/glib-2.32.4/gobject/.libs/libgobject-2.0.so.0: 
undefined symbol: g_key_file_unref 

looking at .../gobject/test/boxed, which is a libtoolw wrapper, I see 


The problem here is that "/path/to/software/collection/lib" comes prior to 
"/path/to/src/glib-2.32.4/glib-2.32.4/glib/.libs", so the runtime linker is 
picking up /path/co/software/collection/lib/libglib-2.0.so instead of 
/path/to/src/glib-2.32.4/glib-2.32.4/glib/.libs/libglib-2.0.so.  I presume that 
libtool inserted all three of the ".libs" paths, but don't see why it inserted 
two of them before "/path/to/software/collection/lib", and one after.  
.../gobject/tests/Makefile has this:

boxed_DEPENDENCIES = ../libgobject-2.0.la \
        $(top_builddir)/gthread/libgthread-2.0.la \

/path/to/software/collection/lib exists both in the configuring environments
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, as well as in the LDFLAGS variable.  I've tried
prepending "-L/path/to/src/glib-2.32.4/glib-2.32.4/glib/.libs" to the LDFLAGS
variable, with the same results.

I'm asking on this list rather than the glib list because I'd like to
understand in general what the issue might be and how to use libtool correctly
in order not to have this kind of issue.  How should I go about making sure
that "/path/to/src/glib-2.32.4/glib-2.32.4/glib/.libs" has the proper
precedence in LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the wrapper scripts?



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