On Mon, Dec 30, 2002 at 04:42:50PM +1100, Conrad Canterford wrote:
> This is almost certainly a user error, not a libltdl error, but I cannot
> work out how to make this work. I have a .so file which contains my user
> interface. The main program finds the path to it and the names of
> varioius subroutines within it from within its config file. It does an
> lt_dlinit(), and then an lt_dlopen(char */path/to/library). This works
> fine, and I can see the handle returned. However, I next try and do an
> lt_dlsym(handle, char *symname), and it segfaults each and every time.
> Is there some step I'm missing, or something else I'm likely to have
> forgotten to do that is required?

What version of libtool? I think 1.4.3 had some ltdl patches.

albert chin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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