Hi all,

I am trying to add vagrant-libvirt support for landrush plugin[0] and found out that libvirt fails for me with:

Call to virConnectNumOfNetworks failed: Cannot write data: Broken pipe (Libvirt::RetrieveError)

I created a minimal reproducer that causes this:

require 'libvirt'

conn = Libvirt::open("qemu:///system")

fork do
 puts conn.list_networks

puts conn.list_networks

This works just fine on my host, but fails on my virtualized guest (when using nested KVM). The journal shows
the following lines in logs:

Failed to acquire pid file '/run/user/1001/libvirt/libvirtd.pid': Resource temporarily unavailable

So the forked process here tries to access not-existing libvirtd pid file for root (1001 on the VM).

Is this a feature/bug? How can one avoid it?

Thanks everyone

[0] https://github.com/phinze/landrush/pull/124
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