On 09/30/2016 12:02 PM, Pavel Hrdina wrote:
> If QEMU in question supports QMP, this capability is set if
> QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_QXL was set based on existence of "-device qxl". If
> libvirt needs to parse *help*, because there is no QMP support, it
> checks for existence of "-vga qxl", but it also p
If QEMU in question supports QMP, this capability is set if
QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_QXL was set based on existence of "-device qxl". If
libvirt needs to parse *help*, because there is no QMP support, it
checks for existence of "-vga qxl", but it also parses output of
"-device ?" and sets QEMU_CAPS_DEVICE_