John Ferlan [2017-05-25, 03:26PM -0400]:
On 05/22/2017 02:38 AM, Bjoern Walk wrote:
Similar to scsi_host and fc_host, there is a relation between a
scsi_target and its transport specific fc_remote_port. Let's expose this
relation and relevant information behind it.
An example for a virsh nod
On 05/22/2017 02:38 AM, Bjoern Walk wrote:
> Similar to scsi_host and fc_host, there is a relation between a
> scsi_target and its transport specific fc_remote_port. Let's expose this
> relation and relevant information behind it.
> An example for a virsh nodedev-dumpxml:
> virsh # node
Similar to scsi_host and fc_host, there is a relation between a
scsi_target and its transport specific fc_remote_port. Let's expose this
relation and relevant information behind it.
An example for a virsh nodedev-dumpxml:
virsh # nodedev-dumpxml scsi_target0_0_0