
I've been using libwww for a number of projects, including HTTP::Proxy
and connect-tunnel. I love it when I don't have to speak HTTP myself...

connect-tunnel is a simple script (available on CPAN) that issues a
CONNECT request to a proxy, so as to forward any TCP connection through
the proxy (if the policy of the proxy accepts the method). Its main use
is to allow you to ssh through the corporate proxy and contact your box
at home (many other tools do this already, it's not rocket science).

But the best part in it is that it can handle any authentication scheme
that libwww supports. Thanks LWP!

Or does it? I received an email from a user telling me that it does
not work with NTLM on his proxy. Unfortunately, I do not have access to
a proxy that uses NTLM athentication, so I cannot test what's wrong
with my script.

This is the reason why I ask here if someone with access to a proxy that
does NTLM authentication could set up an account for me that I could
use for my tests. I'll probably only use it from a single IP. And I'm no

    Thanks a lot in advance!

 Philippe "BooK" Bruhat

 Even the worst guesser is right once in a while.
                                    (Moral from Groo The Wanderer #72 (Epic))

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