Re: GPL vs APSL (was: YAPL is bad)

2001-09-24 Thread Rick Moen
begin Greg London quotation: The difference is APSL does not give you the option of limiting source code to people to whom you give your distributions. OSD allows source code to be contained within a circle of friends. That is exactly it. Thank you for clarifying the matter. I was very

Re: YAPL is bad (was: Re: Backlog assistance?)

2001-09-23 Thread Rick Moen
with rhetoric, when that was failing. The European lawyer (representing some CD-ROM-oriented firm?) was particularly cheeky about that, you may recall. - Cheers, Learning Java has been a slow and tortuous process for me. Every Rick Moen few minutes, I start screaming 'No, you fools! and have

Re: YAPL is bad (was: Re: Backlog assistance?)

2001-09-23 Thread Rick Moen
begin Russell Nelson quotation: There's nothing in the OSD which talks about privacy You are of course quite correct in this; I had forgotten. And it is disposative of the issue, unless the OSD were changed. -- license-discuss archive is at

Re: Backlog assistance?

2001-09-22 Thread Rick Moen
, in any of the submitted-but-not-yet-approved licences. Frankly, I've not noticed anything innovative and useful. -- Cheers, Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song? Rick Moen -- Steven Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- license

Re: Backlog assistance?

2001-09-22 Thread Rick Moen
. -- Cheers, That article and its poster have been cancelled. Rick Moen -- David B. O'Donnel, sysadmin for America Online [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- license-discuss archive is at

Re: Backlog assistance?

2001-09-22 Thread Rick Moen
examples of them. Too bad that requires _work_ on your part, when gratuitously complaining about other people is undoubtedly a great deal easier. -- Cheers, Evolution: Life's a niche, and then you die. Rick Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- license-discuss archive is at

Re: W3C license

2001-09-05 Thread Rick Moen
, There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a Rick Moen little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider [EMAIL PROTECTED] price only are this man's lawful prey. - J. Ruskin (attr.) -- license-discuss archive is at

Re: W3C license

2001-09-05 Thread Rick Moen
, By reading this sentence, you agree to be bound by the Rick Moen terms of the Internet Protocol, version 4, or, at your [EMAIL PROTECTED] option, any later version. -- Seth David Schoen -- license-discuss archive is at

Re: W3C license

2001-09-05 Thread Rick Moen
in a private email. I agree with Russ's statement, you disagree with it, and -- to complete a misshapen circle -- you claim he agrees with you. What's the expression? Do the math. -- Cheers, Rick MoenThis space for rant. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- license-discuss

Re: documentation

2001-09-04 Thread Rick Moen
? The more sadly cynical among your readers might be led to suspect flamebaiting. -- Cheers, Rick MoenPotestatem capite! [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- license-discuss archive is at

Re: Quick Reference For Choosing a Free Software License

2001-08-08 Thread Rick Moen
for this forum (or of interest to it). -- Cheers, I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate Rick Moen those who do. And, for the people who like country music, [EMAIL PROTECTED] denigrate means 'put down'. -- Bob Newhart

Re: approved licenses web page not being updated

2001-08-04 Thread Rick Moen
. Refund duly tendered. (My personal views; yours for a modest clickwrap licence fee and waiver of reverse-engineering rights.) -- Cheers, The Viking's Reminder: Rick Moen Pillage first, _then_ burn. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: approved licenses web page not being updated

2001-07-30 Thread Rick Moen
begin Matthew C. Weigel quotation: I hate to be the constant crank, but... Aha! A true spiritual heir of Baron Munchausen has been found, at last. Tell us another one, Matthew. -- Cheers, Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first Rick Moen woman she meets

Re: Real-World Copyright Assignment

2001-06-22 Thread Rick Moen
. for its GPLed codebase. I'm sure I'll find one or two that seem sound, if I look around. -- Cheers, There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a Rick Moen little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider [EMAIL PROTECTED] price only are this man's

Re: Real-World Copyright Assignment

2001-06-20 Thread Rick Moen
(and the mechanics of dealing with copyright assignment) are addressed, in some detail, in FSF's Information for Maintainers of GNU Software, . 'Hope that helps! -- Cheers, I used to be on the border of insanity. However, due Rick Moen

Re: license-mix, legal consequences?

2001-06-20 Thread Rick Moen
specific, but I'm rushed, again.) -- Cheers,Please return all dogmas to their orthodox positions. Rick Moen -- Brad Johnson, in r.a.sf.w.r-j [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Real-World Copyright Assignment

2001-06-20 Thread Rick Moen
of law, whether FSF claims it exists or not.) -- Cheers, kill -9 them all. Rick Moen Let init sort it out. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SUN Binary Code License

2001-06-17 Thread Rick Moen
are involved. More about the project's licensing, here: The 6.0 codebase is, at this date, pretty alpha-ish. But it's usable if you're... very adventuresome. -- Cheers, You can't lick the system -- but you can certainly Rick Moen

Re: license submission: qmail

2001-06-08 Thread Rick Moen
intent. Which suggests room for improvement. -- Cheers, Evolution: Life's a niche, and then you die. Rick Moen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: idle-priority: OWL R1

2001-05-06 Thread Rick Moen
thus far written an open-source implementation of the algorithm. Not relevant to the preceding discussion, but I thought it was an interesting case study. -- Cheers,My pid is Inigo Montoya. You kill -9 Rick Moen my parent process. Prepare to vi

Re: Subscription/Service Fees - OSI Intent

2001-03-28 Thread Rick Moen
worked for Nixon. -- Cheers, Right to keep and bear Rick Moen Haiku shall not be abridged [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or denied. So there.

Re: What is Copyleft?

2001-02-22 Thread Rick Moen
-- Cheers,Before enlightenment, caffeine. Rick Moen After enlightenment, caffeine. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Rick Moen
begin Jordan Logos Greenhall quotation: So, would a world powered by Linux be worse-off than a world powered by Windows? -- Cheers,Before enlightenment, caffeine. Rick Moen After

Re: Use of GPL without any intention to enforce

2001-02-12 Thread Rick Moen
endum file, and then distribute like mad. -- Cheers, Before enlightenment, caffeine. Rick Moen After enlightenment, caffeine. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Toll Roads of Open Source

2001-01-23 Thread Rick Moen
et make. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Toll Roads of Open Source

2001-01-23 Thread Rick Moen
, your company talking about "threats" is just yet another tiresome digression. Either finally deal with the OSD, or pester some other list, please. By and large, we're busy people. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optio

Document formats (was: To the keepers of the holy grail of Open Source)

2001-01-23 Thread Rick Moen
(modulo some reported weakness in handling graphics), but reportedly has poor desktop-OS software support. These issues may become clearer if/when I try to prototype a site. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen

Document formats (was: To the keepers of the holy grail of Open Source)

2001-01-23 Thread Rick Moen
nline FAQs and other documentation. (I haven't examined the copyright notices on LaTeX's source packages.) -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Document formats (was: To the keepers of the holy grail of Open Source)

2001-01-23 Thread Rick Moen
is made to work atop "any standard TeX system (or whatever replaces it)". -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Toll Roads of Open Source

2001-01-22 Thread Rick Moen
a serious public-relations problem. For it is _very_ obvious that, in fact, you do not intend to produce open-source software, and never did. Good luck to you. -- Cheers, "It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us Rick Moenin trouble. It's the things we

Re: IPL as a burden

2001-01-15 Thread Rick Moen
source community a great deal of work contradicting your firm's assertions to the contrary at every turn, and save your firm a public-relations problem. -- Cheers, "Because film is the pre-eminent American art form. You don't hear Rick Moen people saying 'You know, this movie would

Re: Misunderstanding of the basics?

2001-01-15 Thread Rick Moen
for around 4 years now (we only have Linux products), that is why we try to start this discussion here. But the immediate response was more than hostile. Ignore any hostility. Deal with the OSD. -- Cheers, "Because film is the pre-eminent American art form. You don't hear Rick Moen p

Re: Tarball licenses (was: Free documentation licenses)

2000-12-01 Thread Rick Moen
rovided with the affected code. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tarball licenses (was: Free documentation licenses)

2000-12-01 Thread Rick Moen
ted code in the first place. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Free documentation licenses

2000-11-29 Thread Rick Moen
an easier time. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Free documentation licenses

2000-11-29 Thread Rick Moen
begin John Cowan quotation: Rick Moen wrote: Well, that's not the whole truth either. I could take a bunch of BSD modules, create a derivative work, and license the result under the GPL. Or under a proprietary license, for that matter. No, not exactly (unless you _own

Re: Free documentation licenses

2000-11-29 Thread Rick Moen
I wrote: In 3b, Bob takes from X your new version of Alice's BSD codebase, and ^ maybe sends you a thank-you note. Should be "3c".

Re: Free documentation licenses

2000-11-29 Thread Rick Moen
rather W.S. Gilbert sort of intellectual property, methinks. Not that it doesn't happen; just that it's rather silly. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Free documentation licenses

2000-11-28 Thread Rick Moen
cence terms interact. -- Cheers, "Reality is not optional." Rick Moen -- Thomas Sowell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LGPL clarification

2000-11-01 Thread Rick Moen
s is documented only in a long-ago thread on the Linux kernel mailing list. Anyone have a reference? -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the res

Re: Linux 0.97 is under GPL, isn't it?

2000-10-31 Thread Rick Moen
a mailing list. But, no licence means unlicenced: If anyone truly wishes some clear and unambiguous permission to use that code, it will, as you say, be necessary to contact the copyright holder(s). -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick

Re: simpleLinux Open Documentation License (sLODL)

2000-10-02 Thread Rick Moen
agree. I've not yet found a licence I consider reasonable for those purposes. -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of his life."

Re: Disallowing distribution of binaries

2000-09-15 Thread Rick Moen
examples of businesses making money from free software (e.g. Cygnus Solutions, Signum, Prosa) I believe you misspelled "Red Hat, Signum, Linuxcare". ;- -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Se

Re: Qt and the GPL

2000-09-06 Thread Rick Moen
was speaking of the combined work's licence. -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of his life." -- John A. Hrastar

Re: Qt and the GPL

2000-09-05 Thread Rick Moen
rs them. -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of his life." -- John A. Hrastar

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-09-03 Thread Rick Moen
Angelo Schneider wrote: Making "non authorized copies" is slavery! Wow! 85 lines of question-begging. I believe that's a new record. Don, what prize do we have for today's contestant? -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-09-01 Thread Rick Moen
s readily to mind. -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of his life." -- John A. Hrastar

Re: OpenSales -- DRAFT developers agreement

2000-09-01 Thread Rick Moen
-- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of his life." -- John A. Hrastar

Re: OpenSales -- DRAFT developers agreement

2000-08-30 Thread Rick Moen
firm's lawyers. -- Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the rest of his life." -- John A. Hrastar

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-08-23 Thread Rick Moen
begin John Cowan quotation: On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Rick Moen wrote: As Brian Behlendorf pointed out, this list is concerned with OSD-compliance, not with anyone's definition of free software. All things being equal, I think the community prefers (and should prefer) to see licenses

Re: License Approval Process

2000-08-10 Thread Rick Moen
But many have.) Reply-to has been set, since meta-discussions can be pernicious. -- Cheers, "Open your present" Rick Moen"No, you open your present" rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas.

Re: License Approval Process

2000-08-10 Thread Rick Moen
, "Open your present...." Rick Moen"No, you open your present" rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas. -- Unabomber Haiku Contest, CyberLaw mailing list

Re: prohibiting use that would result in death or personal injury

2000-07-26 Thread Rick Moen
mapping makes it look more robust than it is (ok, I'm reaching here, but you get the point :) and it breaks... I'm glad at least _one_ person understood the main point I posted earlier. ;- -- Cheers, "Open your present...." Rick Moen

Re: prohibiting use that would result in death or personal injury

2000-07-24 Thread Rick Moen
-- Cheers, "Open your present" Rick Moen"No, you open your present" rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas. -- Unabomber Haiku Contest, CyberLaw mailing list

Re: prohibiting use that would result in death or personal injury

2000-07-24 Thread Rick Moen
begin Derek J. Balling quotation: Hope... trust... same thing Judges... courts... same thing Read what I said more attentively, or don't. But in either case, don't waste more of my time. -- Cheers, "Open your present...."

Re: prohibiting use that would result in death or personal injury

2000-07-23 Thread Rick Moen
ntative. Regardless of which applies, I don't think further comment is warranted. -- Cheers, "Open your present" Rick Moen"No, you open your present" rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas.

Re: prohibiting use that would result in death or personal injury

2000-07-23 Thread Rick Moen
r round. -- Cheers, "Open your present" Rick Moen"No, you open your present" rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas. -- Unabomber Haiku Contest, CyberLaw mailing list

Re: prohibiting use that would result in death or personal injury

2000-07-22 Thread Rick Moen
one cannot absolutely prevent courts from doing perverse things, only discourage it. -- Cheers, "Open your present" Rick Moen"No, you open your present" rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas.

Re: prohibiting use that would result in death or personal injury

2000-07-22 Thread Rick Moen
plete lack of payment make assignment of liability to the copyright-holder inequitable. -- Cheers, "Open your present" Rick Moen"No, you open your present" rick (at) Kaczinski Christmas

Re: Eiffel Forum License

2000-04-30 Thread Rick Moen
software licences purport to be a transfer of copyright, not a contract. You're the guy whose name has those initials trailing after it; what are we missing, here? ;- -- Cheers, "By reading this sentence, you agree to be bound by the Rick Moen terms of the Internet Pro

Re: Accusations, accusations, always accusations

1999-10-23 Thread Rick Moen
) to see what proportion of code is in fact GNU software. Runs the risk of accidentally assuming that each line of code is equally significant. -- Cheers, "Heedless of grammar, they all cried 'It's him!'" Rick Moen -- R.H. Barham, _Misadventure a

Re: Accusations, accusations, always accusations

1999-10-17 Thread Rick Moen
to be less than very clear on the distinction between GPLed software and GNU software. The GNU packages are listed at -- Cheers, "Heedless of grammar, they all cried 'It's him!'" Rick Moen -- R

Re: Accusations, accusations, always accusations

1999-10-17 Thread Rick Moen
, to me) to be treating it as GPL == GNU. I was merely pointing this out. My apologies. That would indeed be a problem, if so. -- Cheers, "Heedless of grammar, they all cried 'It's him!'" Rick Moen -- R.H. Barham, _Misadventure at Margate_ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Report on ssh 1.2.12 licencing

1999-10-03 Thread Rick Moen
them, ask and I'll e-mail them directly to you. -- Cheers, The cynics among us might say: "We laugh, Rick Moen monkeyboys -- Linux IS the mainstream UNIX now! rick (at) MuaHaHaHa!" but that would be rude. -- Jim Dennis

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