Oops, tried to send this earlier, apparently screwed up the address
during a cut and paste.
--- Begin Message ---
John Cowan wrote:
> I am currently working on a set of tools called Elephant that implement IBIS.
> Elephant will be an open-source, Web plus email based implementation.
> For details on Elephant, see the following wiki entries:
> http://nuzban.wiw.org/wiki/?Elephant
> http://nuzban.wiw.org/wiki/?ElephantRefinements
> I urge anyone who wishes to collaborate with me on getting Elephant
> ready to roll, and who is a Perl programmer with some time to
> spare, to contact me.  I could use some help.

Interesting!  I am trying to learn Perl, and have my hands full with
that and other things for the foreseeable future (so I won't offer to

Do you have a realistic estimate on when you'll have a working Elephant
deployed?  (I guess a realistic estimate would be based on the
developer's currently working on the project, and the time they are able
to devote to it.)

Over on TWiki, there have been some discussions of IBIS, including some
discussions on how to name pages in a wiki (or twiki) to serve as an
IBIS based wiki, and some speculation on on improvements needed to TWiki
to make it more suitable for IBIS.  (PS: TWiki has the advantage over
some wikis that it stores all revisions to each page.)

If Elephant is quite a ways off, maybe it would be worth trying an IBIS
approach on a standard TWiki.  

When I read Russel's post of today (Sun, 30 Sep 2001 00:20:16 -0400
(EDT)), I thought of taking one of the licenses he mentions and putting
each clause on a separate TWiki page and then making the location known
and inviting comment.  (I might have even taken a stab at posting my
immediate non thought-out position on each clause as to whether it did
or did not meet the open source definition, just in an attempt to
attract more cogent input.)

If you think that is worthwhile, let me know.

Randy Kramer

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