On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > Since it's the Trove4J folks who would have standing in any case involving
> > LGPL-nonconformance, *not* the FSF, it really only matters how the Trove4J
> > folks intend the LGPL's language around derivative works and interfaces to
> > be interpreted.  If the Trove4J developers gave you a statement to the
> > effect that they do not intend for applications that use the Trove4J
> > interfaces to be considered derivative works, then your problem is solved,
> > and you don't need to wait for RMS or Eben.  If instead they want some
> > sort of "canonical" interpretation from the authors of the GPL, then all
> > of us have to wait, no matter what opinions are aired on license-discuss.
> What I'm seeking is a statement regarding these issues with the LGPL
> license:

And Andrew, again, my point is that it's the copyright holders'
interpretation that matters the most here, not the FSF's, unless the FSF
are themselves the copyright holder.  Get that statement from the Trove4J
authors.  If the FSF made it, then it'd be possibly more widely accepted
as an interpretation; but until the GPL itself is updated to deal with
this kind of question, it will *always* be a matter of interpretation.
Heck, the Trove4J authors may decide to *disagree* with the FSF's
interpretation!  Just like Larry does.  :)

The Apache Software Foundation takes a cautious stance on the matter, that
says you can't assume that all authors who release code under the LGPL
will interpret it to allow the kind of combination you are asking about.
If those authors *do* allow it, then I'd imagine the ASF board would
accept that in that situation.  If the FSF gave a favorable
interpretation, we might relax the restriction generally, on the notion
that authors generally follow the precedents the FSF sets in their

> Furthermore, I would like to see this cleared up so that Java folks who
> believe in OpenSource and Free Software can work together whenever minds
> meet.

We do too!  Which is why we're hoping for GPL compatability in Apache
license v2.

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